Special Topics (Reprint Articles)

God's Sabbath: A Rich Delight God's Sabbath: A Rich Delight
George T Geis - 1978

We read in Genesis 2 that God rested the seventh day and blessed and sanctified it. Jesus taught that the Sabbath was made for man (Mark 2:27-28) at the time man was made. Our booklet Which Day Is the Christian Sabbath? explains how we know which day it is that God calls the Sabbath and why it is im ...

God's Sacred Calendar God's Sacred Calendar
Herbert W Armstrong - 1974

God's sacred calendar is the true calendar for all mankind. Its principles go back to the very first chapter of the Bible, where the sun and the moon were appointed to be for signs, seasons, days and years (Gen. 1:14). This is the calendar God gave to Israel when He led them out of the pagan pract ...

Government Authority Should You Submit To It? Government Authority Should You Submit To It?
Herman L Hoeh - 1957

This is a democratic nation. Our people are regularly subjected to the oratory of candidates seeking political office. They listen with enjoyment or disgust to campaigners as they travel from city to city making grandiose promises and hurling political "mud" to secure votes. But in the midst of all ...

Groping in the Light: Science Confronts Religion at the Frontiers of Knowledge Groping in the Light: Science Confronts Religion at the Frontiers of Knowledge
Ambassador College Production

Since the beginning of this century, scientists have been exploring an entirely new way of looking at the world and universe. Their discoveries have raised challenging new questions for those who do not believe in God - and especially for those who do. Millions of species share this planet. But only ...

HALLOWEEN Where Did It Come From? HALLOWEEN Where Did It Come From?
Ambassador College - 1969

HALLOWEEN is indeed the strangest holiday of the entire year. Every autumn, on the eve of November 1, children in many lands dress as goblins, or as witches; knock on doors, announce "trick or treat," soap windows of schools and stores. Some tear down mailboxes, and give the police a great many head ...

Happy Valentine's Day Christian Custom? - or Pagan Pageantry? Happy Valentine's Day Christian Custom? - or Pagan Pageantry?
Herman L Hoeh - 1970

Will you be my Valentine? That question is asked by millions about this time of year. Heart-shaped candies by the ton and cards by the carload are scattered to the four corners of the earth. But what's it all about? Why is this day named after SAINT Valentine? Is there any religious significance t ...

Has God Eternally Existed? Has God Eternally Existed?
Kenneth C Herrmann - 1971

Here is PROOF that nothing in the universe except God has been existing forever. He alone is without beginning of days or end of years. Consider for a moment. Could God be anything but eternal? He reveals Himself as the Creator of all there is: the material universe, angelic beings, light, life. Now ...

Have We Been Neglecting God's Sabbath? Have We Been Neglecting God's Sabbath?
Herbert W Armstrong - 1970

Many have NOT REALIZED they have been NEGLECTING to keep the Sabbath as they should! We need to WAKE UP to the real SERIOUSNESS of this! Here is surprising, eye-opening NEW TRUTH for many of our members! MANY OF US HAVE BEEN in the predicament of the rich young ruler. He came to Jesus asking, "Good ...

Here's How You Can Defeat Discouragement Here's How You Can Defeat Discouragement
William F Dankenbring - 1970

Are YOU discouraged - depressed? Do you feel "blue" and full of despair? What can YOU do to defeat discouragement? The problem of discouragement is very real to many! But YOU can defeat mind-wrecking discouragement. First, you need to know what makes people grow causes discouraged - what causes them ...

Here's the Plain Truth About OLD TESTAMENT POLYGAMY Here's the Plain Truth About OLD TESTAMENT POLYGAMY
Herbert W Armstrong - 1963

You may be surprised to learn that Abraham was not a polygamist - that David completely repented of it - that God's legal statutes made polygamy illegal in ancient Israel! GOD did not sanction polygamy in Old Testament times. Contrary to the suppositions many have accepted, God forbade it - and PU ...

Here's Why - Jews Reject Jesus and Christians Reject Christ Here's Why - Jews Reject Jesus and Christians Reject Christ
Radio Church of God - 1962

"He came unto his own, and his own received him not" (John 1:11). Why did the Jews reject Jesus? Why do most Christians refuse to accept the authority and rule of the Christ they profess? Here are straightforward answers to these bold questions! THOSE who call themselves Christians marvel that the J ...

Hidden Treasure You Can Claim! Hidden Treasure You Can Claim!
Richard F Ames - 1980

The mystery of Oak Island, off the coast of Nova Scotia, has defied solution since 1795. The island is even shaped like a question mark. Supposedly, an enormous treasure is hidden on this island, and treasure-hunters have spent millions of dollars trying to find it. But all their efforts have produc ...

History of the English Bible History of the English Bible
Keith W Stump - 1984

On a bleak December afternoon, I was walking in the graveyard of the parish church of Lutterworth in England, about 90 miles northwest of London. The rector walked past as I was examining the church's ancient slate gravestones bearing the names of faithful parishioners of centuries past. ...

Honesty Honesty
Brian Knowles - 1978

How many people do you know today who are truly honest in the most profound sense of that word? I almost guarantee that before I've finished you will be convinced that human beings are fundamentally dishonest. When I speak of dishonesty l don't mean a person who just deliberately lies. ...

How Accurate Is CARBON-14 DATING? How Accurate Is CARBON-14 DATING?
Paul W Kroll - 1970

A human bone, a mammoth carcass, a fossilized stratum How old are they? This question has puzzled laymen and scientists for decades. No one, it seemed, had the answer. Then came carbon-14 dating. This new method was hailed as the tool to unscramble history. But has it? ...

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