Church History
You know, one of the most amazing, astonishing, and eye-opening revelations that could possibly come to light is the truth of what happened to the religion that we call Christianity during the 1st 50 years. And during the first two and 300 years after Christ, now we've been going into the history of that time to see what did happen. Why is it, my friends, that most of us today have been born into a world that believe ...
April 27, 2024
Join us for Sabbath services. Each Sabbath we post a Sabbath service at 7:00PM (CT-USA) Friday Evening (Sabbath sunset to sunset). You provide the opening and closing prayer and we'll supply the psalms and messages! Hope you enjoy them!

Holy Day services are also provided on all of God's Holy Days.

Sabbath Service

There is no end to the war in Vietnam in sight. Rather, the only visible prospect is accelerating escalation. Yet there is a SURE way the United States could end it IMMEDIATELY! This surprising articl ...
Millions who claim to believe in God would be shocked if they knew the actual SOURCE of their belief and practice. I WONDER if you are like the person who said to me: "I believe in God, but it seems l ...
Today there is an increasing desire for total security. We want our five acres somewhere - land, home, something permanent. But is this temporal life something more than the much sought after mammon o ...
Just what do you mean... BORN AGAIN?
LET'S be honest - don't some of these religious terms seem vague, meaningless, when you stop to think about it? Do you know that most people who think they have been "born again" actually have no more real conception of what ...
MINISTUDY: What Is the Holy Spirit?
Do you have God's Holy Spirit? Do you understand what God's Spirit really is, and why you need it? This first in a brief series of studies about God's Spirit will begin to answer these crucial questions from your own Bible. T ...
The troubles in the world today are appalling, never has the world been in such trouble except just before the flood, "as it was in the days of Noah" it is once again now. Violence all over the world, immorality, everything going downhill, everything wrong, it's at the end of Satan's dominion. And Satan is the god of this world; he sits on the throne of this world, of the earth. God did set a thro ...