WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:08.400 --> 00:00:15.080 In May 1984, the Ambassador Foundation sponsored the first-ever American tour by children from 00:00:15.080 --> 00:00:21.369 the People's Republic of China. The Little Ambassadors of Shanghai began their tour in 00:00:21.369 --> 00:00:27.770 California. They stayed on the Ambassador College campus in Pasadena. When they met 00:00:27.770 --> 00:00:34.000 the Foundation's president, Herbert W. Armstrong, they immediately adopted him as their grandfather. 00:00:38.400 --> 00:00:43.600 Their formal American debut came later on the stage of the Ambassador Auditorium. 00:00:49.030 --> 00:00:54.640 The children presented a program of traditional Chinese music and dance in many locations 00:00:54.640 --> 00:01:05.539 across the country. They visited several major cities, including San Francisco and Washington 00:01:05.539 --> 00:01:11.100 D.C., where they entertained guests of First Lady Mrs. Reagan in the East Room of the White House. 00:01:21.800 --> 00:01:26.170 The children visited the famous sights and historical monuments of America's capital 00:01:26.170 --> 00:01:33.000 city before their appearance at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 00:01:33.000 --> 00:01:39.610 This historic first tour by these Little Ambassadors from Shanghai was a milestone in the development 00:01:39.610 --> 00:01:46.400 of renewed friendship between two great nations. At the conclusion of each performance, the 00:01:46.400 --> 00:01:52.600 Chinese children were joined on the stage by children from Imperial School in Pasadena. 00:01:52.600 --> 00:02:00.400 It underscored the importance of teaching children to work in harmony and cooperation, if the world is ever to live in peace. 00:02:07.200 --> 00:02:12.220 The World Tomorrow, the Worldwide Church of 00:02:12.220 --> 00:02:23.090 God presents Herbert W Armstrong... Internationally recognized Ambassador for world peace... Visiting 00:02:23.090 --> 00:02:32.910 prominent leaders around the globe... discussing the cause of world problems... and proclaiming 00:02:32.910 --> 00:02:44.700 the good news of the world tomorrow... Ladies and gentlemen Herbert W Armstrong. 00:02:45.600 --> 00:02:52.550 Prior to the visit of the Chinese children to the United States, I had been invited for 00:02:52.550 --> 00:03:00.980 the second time to come to China as a guest of the People's Republic for a meeting, a 00:03:00.980 --> 00:03:09.629 personal meeting, with Deng Xiaoping, the unquestioned ruler of one-fourth of all the 00:03:09.629 --> 00:03:18.090 people on the face of this earth. However, I was not able to make the trip until after 00:03:18.090 --> 00:03:25.090 the Chinese children had appeared here in the United States, and when I did, I wanted 00:03:25.090 --> 00:03:33.090 to especially talk to them in China about the importance of the educating and the training 00:03:33.090 --> 00:03:39.909 of children who will be the citizens ruling the world, and the leaders in the world, within 00:03:39.909 --> 00:03:56.269 the next couple of decades. Mr. Armstrong was met in Beijing by an official 00:03:56.269 --> 00:04:03.019 delegation from the Soong Ching Ling Foundation, and the Chinese People's Association for Friendship 00:04:03.019 --> 00:04:12.780 with Foreign Countries. Later that day, at a reception at the Great Hall of the People, 00:04:12.780 --> 00:04:18.519 Mr. Armstrong was welcomed by Madame Kang Keqing. Madame Kang is the widow of Marshal 00:04:18.519 --> 00:04:24.600 Zhu De, who, with Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, was one of the most important leaders in the 00:04:24.600 --> 00:04:30.790 history of the People's Republic. After her husband's death, Madame Kang continued 00:04:30.790 --> 00:04:38.000 to work for her country, and is considered to be China's First Lady today. She is responsible 00:04:38.000 --> 00:04:45.190 for the well-being of all China's children, and is the head of the Chinese Women's Federation. 00:04:45.190 --> 00:04:51.550 She serves as chairman of the Soong Ching Ling Foundation, one of China's leading educational 00:04:51.550 --> 00:04:58.080 and cultural organizations. Mr. Armstrong and his party were guests at a banquet held 00:04:58.080 --> 00:05:04.650 in their honor. The toast of welcome was given by Madame Kang Keqing. Mr. Armstrong then 00:05:04.650 --> 00:05:14.009 replied. "May I propose a toast to Madame Kang? The 00:05:14.009 --> 00:05:23.150 things that she has enunciated and that she stands for, the children, and world peace, 00:05:23.150 --> 00:05:29.160 and world peace will have to come beginning with the children, because they are the citizens 00:05:29.160 --> 00:05:39.789 of tomorrow. In just 10, 15, 20 years they will be the adults that will be in charge 00:05:39.789 --> 00:05:49.520 of all of our countries, and they are most important. And I'm so glad for the interest 00:05:49.520 --> 00:05:56.600 that you have in the children, and all the young people." 00:05:56.600 --> 00:06:06.610 A key event in Mr. Armstrong's six days in China was a meeting with Deng Xiaoping in 00:06:06.610 --> 00:06:11.759 the Great Hall of the People. The Chinese leaders have placed great emphasis on the 00:06:11.759 --> 00:06:17.340 cultural and educational needs of their country's hundreds of millions of children, and Deng 00:06:17.340 --> 00:06:25.530 Xiaoping serves as honorary chairman of the Soong Ching Ling Foundation. Mr. Armstrong 00:06:25.530 --> 00:06:31.620 presented the Chinese leader with a gift of Steuben crystal and a pictorial album of the 00:06:31.620 --> 00:06:38.770 Chinese children's tour of America. Deng Xiaoping discussed with Mr. Armstrong 00:06:38.770 --> 00:06:46.100 the future of China and the problems of achieving lasting world peace. Mr. Armstrong then explained 00:06:46.100 --> 00:06:55.039 that peace will only come through proper education and particularly the education of children. 00:06:55.039 --> 00:07:01.160 Mr. Armstrong and his party later visited the home of the late Madame Soong Ching Ling, 00:07:01.160 --> 00:07:08.009 after whom the Chinese Children's Foundation is named. Madame Soong Ching Ling was the 00:07:08.009 --> 00:07:13.970 widow of Sun Yat-sen, the first president and founder of modern China. 00:07:13.970 --> 00:07:21.210 After Sun Yat-sen died in 1925, his widow Soong Ching Ling never remarried. She devoted 00:07:21.210 --> 00:07:27.470 the rest of her life to the service of her country. She is known affectionately as the 00:07:27.470 --> 00:07:33.030 grandmother of Chinese children, because of her great love of children and the long years 00:07:33.030 --> 00:07:40.090 that she spent dedicated to their well-being. On the last evening in Beijing, Mr. Armstrong 00:07:40.090 --> 00:07:45.740 hosted a banquet for Madame Kang and other officials from the Soong Ching Ling Foundation 00:07:45.740 --> 00:08:02.139 at the state guest house. "The Ambassador Foundation has done quite 00:08:02.139 --> 00:08:11.990 a lot of work during such a short period. And during this time, our guests and friends 00:08:11.990 --> 00:08:22.530 from the Ambassador Foundation have begun to build a golden bridge. And all of us, the 00:08:22.530 --> 00:08:28.440 old, the middle-aged, and the young, can walk along this golden bridge and make friends 00:08:28.440 --> 00:08:55.810 on it. And through the help of all the friends present today." 00:08:55.810 --> 00:09:13.500 I would just like to say that we are living in a world of contrasts, a world of awesome 00:09:13.500 --> 00:09:27.209 progress, advancement in technology, in engineering, in production of every kind, and yet at the 00:09:27.209 --> 00:09:38.680 same time a world that is filled with evils, and the evils are multiplying more rapidly 00:09:38.680 --> 00:09:56.700 than the progress. Why do we live in such a world? Why cannot we solve all of the problems? 00:09:56.700 --> 00:10:19.990 Why cannot we have world peace? I can answer in just two words: human nature. 00:10:19.990 --> 00:10:32.670 Human nature always seeks to get, and to take, but has no concern for the good of others. 00:10:32.670 --> 00:10:50.170 If we're going to have real world peace, we will have to overcome that tendency of human 00:10:50.170 --> 00:11:16.149 nature. We cannot, there's an old saying: you cannot teach old dogs new tricks. If we 00:11:16.149 --> 00:11:35.380 try to reform the thinking and the ways of mature and older people, we shall never succeed. 00:11:35.380 --> 00:11:48.800 The only hope for world peace lies in teaching children and little children, and young people, 00:11:48.800 --> 00:11:57.000 beginning at a very early age, the way of generosity, the way of giving, of sharing, 00:11:57.000 --> 00:12:05.019 of sharing what they have with others, the way of having concern for the good of others, 00:12:05.019 --> 00:12:18.690 and that must begin with little children. We cannot change the selfish living habits 00:12:18.690 --> 00:12:35.529 of adults and older people. That is one reason we are so interested in proper teaching and 00:12:35.529 --> 00:12:53.950 education for the little children. I can just say that when it comes to world peace, I will 00:12:53.950 --> 00:13:02.970 have to agree with the editor of a large business magazine in the United States who said it 00:13:02.970 --> 00:13:15.570 would now seem that the world's only hope lies in the sudden appearance of an unseen 00:13:15.570 --> 00:13:25.950 strong hand from someplace. That editor was referring to the great Creator who created 00:13:25.950 --> 00:13:39.149 us all out of the ground, all of one human flesh. 00:13:39.149 --> 00:13:47.200 And I can tell you that that great Creator is going to appear, is the unseen hand that 00:13:47.200 --> 00:14:04.760 will come and save us. But even then, he will have to begin with the teaching of little 00:14:04.760 --> 00:14:15.010 children, and teaching them to grow up until we all come to have a different nature, of 00:14:15.010 --> 00:14:21.290 caring for other people, of having a real care and concern for the good of other people 00:14:21.290 --> 00:14:30.680 instead of just selfishness for our own selves. Now that day will come, but meanwhile, we 00:14:30.680 --> 00:14:37.790 must work every way we can for peace the best we can. 00:14:37.790 --> 00:14:43.690 We're not, our efforts now are not going to bring peace immediately. It is going to take 00:14:43.690 --> 00:14:56.579 generations, but in time, world peace is going to come. I just wanted to give that message. 00:14:56.579 --> 00:15:04.149 And that is why we are interested with you, in world peace among people, among nations 00:15:04.149 --> 00:15:15.230 the best way we can now, and why we're so much interested in the teaching of young children 00:15:15.230 --> 00:15:23.040 and young people. Therein is our only hope for the future. 00:15:23.040 --> 00:15:29.120 The next day, Mr. Armstrong flew to Shanghai, China's largest city and one of the great 00:15:29.120 --> 00:15:42.420 cities of the world. It is a major port, manufacturing, and commercial center. At the Cemetery Park, 00:15:42.420 --> 00:15:52.610 Mr. Armstrong visited the grave of Soong Ching Ling. The quiet dignity of its setting reflects 00:15:52.610 --> 00:15:58.420 the honor with which the Chinese people remember this great lady. 00:15:58.420 --> 00:16:08.860 Next morning, Mr. Armstrong met Wang DaoHan, the mayor of Shanghai. The mayor presented 00:16:08.860 --> 00:16:17.600 Mr. Armstrong with a tapestry depicting scenes of Chinese life during the Tang Dynasty. Following 00:16:17.600 --> 00:16:26.000 the reception, a luncheon was held in his honor. 00:16:26.000 --> 00:16:51.230 "We know that you had a very good talk with our Chairman Deng Xiaoping 00:16:51.230 --> 00:17:03.899 in Beijing. We know that you have talked with Mr. Deng on the world peace, and on welfare 00:17:03.899 --> 00:17:11.500 of the children. These topics are, we attach great importance both by the Chinese people 00:17:11.500 --> 00:17:35.870 and people in our city. Would you all raise your glasses and join me in a toast to the 00:17:35.870 --> 00:17:43.720 friendship between the peoples of China and the United States, to the longevity of Mr. 00:17:43.720 --> 00:18:02.070 Armstrong and to the health of all the American people present here. Cheers!" 00:18:02.070 --> 00:18:28.539 I would like to respond with a toast to the honorable mayor of your city, Mr. Wang. And 00:18:28.539 --> 00:18:37.650 I certainly want to congratulate the city on its interest in children and in culture, 00:18:37.650 --> 00:18:53.100 and in all of the things that make toward peace. And if we are to have peace, it must 00:18:53.100 --> 00:19:01.750 begin with the little children. We must begin to teach little children to give instead of 00:19:01.750 --> 00:19:12.530 just to take. Now when you sent the Little Ambassadors From Shanghai to the United States, 00:19:12.530 --> 00:19:18.630 there were lovable children. And they were the best ambassadors that the 00:19:18.630 --> 00:19:27.820 nation of China could possibly have sent. They did you great credit, they won sympathy 00:19:27.820 --> 00:19:41.240 and love, and friendship, and they helped toward peace. They are talented, very talented 00:19:41.240 --> 00:19:55.000 young children, and they're also very lovable. And I was so greatly honored when they called 00:19:55.000 --> 00:20:08.669 me their grandfather. And I call them my Chinese grandchildren, and I hope to see them this 00:20:08.669 --> 00:20:15.870 afternoon. I love them. The Shanghai Children's Palace was established 00:20:15.870 --> 00:20:24.130 30 years ago by Madame Soong Ching Ling. It provides education and training in music, 00:20:24.130 --> 00:20:32.630 dance, art, science, and crafts for over 2,000 Shanghai children. This palace was the first 00:20:32.630 --> 00:20:40.169 of over 4,000 similar facilities in all parts of China. It was from this Shanghai Children's 00:20:40.169 --> 00:20:45.760 Palace that the children were selected to tour the United States. The children had come 00:20:45.760 --> 00:20:50.880 to know Mr. Armstrong well while visiting America, and they prepared an unforgettable 00:20:50.880 --> 00:22:35.309 welcome for him. On his final evening in China, Mr. Armstrong 00:22:35.309 --> 00:22:41.559 was honored at a dinner at the Jin Jiang Club in Shanghai by Mayor Wang and other Chinese 00:22:41.559 --> 00:22:47.860 officials who had helped him in his memorable six days in the People's Republic of China. 00:22:47.860 --> 00:22:54.610 There, Mr. Armstrong again stressed the importance of the proper teaching of little children. 00:22:54.610 --> 00:23:03.940 "The reason for all of the troubles in the world could be stated in just two words: human 00:23:03.940 --> 00:23:15.650 nature. And human nature is an acquired type of attitude and intention of mind. We were 00:23:15.650 --> 00:23:24.789 not born with human nature; we acquired it after we were born. The best hope that we 00:23:24.789 --> 00:23:36.480 humans have of bringing world peace, does not come just alone from our efforts as adults, 00:23:36.480 --> 00:23:42.520 but is going to come from the training of little children before they acquire this human 00:23:42.520 --> 00:23:51.679 nature, and teaching them to be generous and to give. So I am so happy that our foundations 00:23:51.679 --> 00:24:01.600 are joining hands together to work, not only for world peace, but also to promote everything 00:24:01.600 --> 00:24:10.000 we can for the teaching and the training, the culture, of little children." 00:24:10.000 --> 00:24:21.460 And now, before closing this program, I want to tell you once again about the magazine 00:24:21.460 --> 00:24:33.340 we publish, Youth '85. Youth '85. I wish there had been a magazine like this when I was a 00:24:33.340 --> 00:24:45.390 teenager. Youth '85 is a magazine of intense interest to youth of all ages up to 92, my 00:24:45.390 --> 00:24:54.970 own age. I find it exceedingly interesting, and it's educational as well as entertaining. 00:24:54.970 --> 00:25:04.549 It covers sports; it covers the activities of youth. It's a full-color magazine, profusely 00:25:04.549 --> 00:25:10.120 illustrated. Now, there's no subscription price. You don't 00:25:10.120 --> 00:25:18.980 have enough money to buy a subscription, but you may have a copy just for subscribing. 00:25:18.980 --> 00:25:27.510 That's all you need to do. Now also, I want to offer you a book that I've offered two 00:25:27.510 --> 00:25:37.000 or three times on this program, the book that is titled Never Before Understood - Why Humanity 00:25:37.000 --> 00:25:40.179 Cannot Solve Its Problems [Never Before Understood - Why Humanity Cannot Solve Its Evils]. It's 00:25:40.179 --> 00:25:46.650 something that has never been understood - why people cannot solve their problems. You need 00:25:46.650 --> 00:25:53.039 to have that booklet. Then, another magazine, which I think is the 00:25:53.039 --> 00:25:58.409 most important magazine in the world today, and one of the largest circulated magazines 00:25:58.409 --> 00:26:10.020 on the face of the Earth, The Plain Truth. The Plain Truth, a magazine of understanding. 00:26:10.020 --> 00:26:20.690 Circulation is now well over seven million copies every month. It's also a handsome magazine, 00:26:20.690 --> 00:26:29.960 in full-cover, well illustrated, a leading magazine in every sense of the word, a magazine 00:26:29.960 --> 00:26:40.020 covering world news where it's leading, giving you an understanding of the news in the world 00:26:40.020 --> 00:26:49.450 of what is happening every day. You can really understand and know that you understand what 00:26:49.450 --> 00:26:54.710 is taking place in the world, and where it's leading. There is no magazine like The Plain 00:26:54.710 --> 00:26:59.390 Truth. It is unique in every way, and there is no 00:26:59.390 --> 00:27:05.480 subscription price. There is no charge for the booklet. There's no subscription price 00:27:05.480 --> 00:27:13.049 for either magazine. Now you just send your request to me, Herbert W. Armstrong, at Pasadena, 00:27:13.049 --> 00:27:24.220 California. If you write the zip code, is 91123. But better yet, go to the telephone 00:27:24.220 --> 00:27:30.720 and make a toll-free call. There's no charge for this either, it's toll-free, and you call 00:27:30.720 --> 00:27:47.690 1-800-423-4444. You dial 1 first, of course, then 800-423-4444. So until next time, Herbert 00:27:47.690 --> 00:28:06.010 W. Armstrong, goodbye, friends. Please Note: The Address and Phone Number 00:28:06.010 --> 00:28:21.039 for the Worldwide Church of God are no longer valid, please visit www.hwalibrary.com for 00:28:21.039 --> 00:28:34.460 videos and literature produced by the Worldwide Church of God.