WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:09.500 --> 00:00:18.500 The World Tomorrow, the Worldwide Church of God presents the World Tomorrow with Herbert W Armstrong... 00:00:45.600 --> 00:00:48.500 ladies and gentlemen Herbert W Armstrong. 00:00:50.500 --> 00:00:58.280 Well once again, greetings, everybody! As I said in the first program of this series, 00:00:58.280 --> 00:01:05.360 that I have been speaking to you, and will continue speaking to you in this series, as 00:01:05.360 --> 00:01:13.300 no man has spoken in our time. I wonder if we realize the real danger that we're in this very moment. 00:01:13.500 --> 00:01:22.850 Now we find that those who know what is going 00:01:22.850 --> 00:01:33.409 on are very much alarmed because even a private individual can now obtain, merely at the stores 00:01:33.409 --> 00:01:42.369 that retail, the materials that can make a nuclear bomb. Now we have come to the place 00:01:42.369 --> 00:01:48.790 where the weapons of destruction, of mass destruction, exist, that can erase all human 00:01:48.790 --> 00:01:56.850 life off this earth, and could do it 50 times over. And as one speaker has said, once would 00:01:56.850 --> 00:02:04.259 be quite enough, because there wouldn't be a man, woman, or child left on earth. 00:02:04.259 --> 00:02:10.929 And we don't know when these things are going to come, but I have very good news for you. 00:02:10.929 --> 00:02:18.639 Before that happens, the Eternal God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, is going 00:02:18.639 --> 00:02:27.769 to intervene. And he is going to send once again Jesus Christ back to this earth, to 00:02:27.769 --> 00:02:36.590 rule over all nations, and with a supernatural power of the Almighty Eternal God. And at 00:02:36.590 --> 00:02:43.269 that time, nations are going to beat their swords into plowshares, their spears into 00:02:43.269 --> 00:02:47.040 pruning hooks, and they will not learn war anymore. 00:02:47.040 --> 00:02:52.359 We're going to have a time of peace, and it's coming in our time. But first is going to 00:02:52.359 --> 00:02:59.169 come the supreme crisis. We're leading right up to it now. It's called the Great Tribulation 00:02:59.169 --> 00:03:05.160 in Matthew 24. It is referred to in Daniel 12, and in the 30th chapter of Jeremiah in 00:03:05.160 --> 00:03:11.949 the Bible. And it is a time, especially against this country, the United States, the British 00:03:11.949 --> 00:03:17.760 Commonwealth of people, and Western Europe. And we are the ones that are going to have 00:03:17.760 --> 00:03:23.650 to suffer for our evil deeds, and for the things which we have been doing. We've been 00:03:23.650 --> 00:03:31.400 carelessly thinking we can get away with anything. Now that is all coming to an end, and in Matthew 00:03:31.400 --> 00:03:38.479 24, Jesus Christ said that there would be a time of trouble such as never was, since 00:03:38.479 --> 00:03:45.699 the beginning of a nation, and never will be again, so that unless those days were cut 00:03:45.699 --> 00:03:50.070 short, no flesh, not any human being, would be left alive. 00:03:50.070 --> 00:04:00.449 But he said, for the elect's sake, the people of God, those days shall be cut short. And 00:04:00.449 --> 00:04:07.570 Christ will come. Christ will never let this world destroy itself. I think it's time that 00:04:07.570 --> 00:04:12.410 we know why these things. There's a cause for every effect. And these events could not 00:04:12.410 --> 00:04:18.759 have happened, all of the troubles - and I don't need to go into a description of them, 00:04:18.759 --> 00:04:25.030 they're everywhere - violence, crime, immorality, everything that you can think of that is wrong 00:04:25.030 --> 00:04:32.060 - is rampant all over this world. It's in our nation. Someone I think said - was 00:04:32.060 --> 00:04:38.030 it Will Rogers one time - "Just what do you think of civilization?" And Will Rogers answered, 00:04:38.030 --> 00:04:44.010 "Well, I think it'd be a good idea if we had some." And as a matter of fact, that sort 00:04:44.010 --> 00:04:50.350 of sums it up pretty well. Now how did the world get this way, so full of evil? Is there 00:04:50.350 --> 00:04:54.260 a devil, and how did he come to be? Where did he come from? 00:04:54.260 --> 00:05:00.030 That's what I've been showing you in the past programs in this series. We go clear back 00:05:00.030 --> 00:05:05.940 to the beginning, and as I have shown you, the first record of prehistory in the Bible 00:05:05.940 --> 00:05:12.140 is not Genesis 1:1, where it says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the 00:05:12.140 --> 00:05:19.930 earth," but rather in John 1:1, in the New Testament, the fourth book in the New Testament, 00:05:19.930 --> 00:05:24.990 where it says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was 00:05:24.990 --> 00:05:30.380 God. The same was in the beginning with God, and all things were made by him." 00:05:30.380 --> 00:05:35.620 The Word was the one who later, as you read in the 14th verse of that first chapter of 00:05:35.620 --> 00:05:42.600 John (John 1:14), became flesh and dwelt among us. In other words, he came to be Jesus Christ. 00:05:42.600 --> 00:05:50.450 Now the government of God ruled the entire Earth at that time. And God placed a super-archangel 00:05:50.450 --> 00:05:57.530 to rule. His name was Lucifer. Lucifer was the highest creation of angel that God himself 00:05:57.530 --> 00:06:05.200 could create. He was a super-archangel. However, God could only instruct him in the 00:06:05.200 --> 00:06:10.330 right way, but he had to leave the choice to him, because otherwise there could be no 00:06:10.330 --> 00:06:16.130 character. And Lucifer chose the wrong way, and he led his angels into a rebellion. And 00:06:16.130 --> 00:06:21.620 the government of God was taken away from this Earth, and that left only God who had 00:06:21.620 --> 00:06:27.220 the type of character that would not - and because he would not, could not - commit sin, 00:06:27.220 --> 00:06:31.960 and go the wrong way. This Lucifer that was set as a super-archangel 00:06:31.960 --> 00:06:38.820 over the angels of this Earth before man was put here, was said to be - and I read that 00:06:38.820 --> 00:06:46.040 scripture in the first one of the present series of programs - that he was perfect in 00:06:46.040 --> 00:06:54.950 all his ways from the day he was created. Now he was a created being. He was not born. 00:06:54.950 --> 00:07:03.010 He was a specially created being, and he was perfect in his ways as God created him. But 00:07:03.010 --> 00:07:08.930 it says, "till iniquity was found in him." But as I say, God couldn't force him. If God 00:07:08.930 --> 00:07:12.980 decided and made you have to do right, and you could never do wrong, you'd be just like 00:07:12.980 --> 00:07:19.050 a machine. You would not have any right of choice. You could not have any character, 00:07:19.050 --> 00:07:24.010 and character is the right to choose, and to choose the right instead of the wrong, 00:07:24.010 --> 00:07:30.860 to come to know the right instead of the wrong, and to have the self-discipline to force your 00:07:30.860 --> 00:07:38.620 own self, even against your own desires and wills, and temptations, to do the right instead 00:07:38.620 --> 00:07:47.150 of the wrong. That is what character is. Now God had told the angels the right way. 00:07:47.150 --> 00:07:53.760 He started this Lucifer out on the right track. But he turned, and all of his angels, he turned 00:07:53.760 --> 00:07:59.699 his angels into rebellion against God instead of going the way of God. In other words, God's 00:07:59.699 --> 00:08:06.690 great law, the foundation of his government, was the way of love, the way of giving, the 00:08:06.690 --> 00:08:15.389 way of cooperating, away from self, not incoming but outgoing, and the way of helping, of concern 00:08:15.389 --> 00:08:20.850 for the welfare of others and not just for yourself alone, the way of humility instead 00:08:20.850 --> 00:08:26.770 of the way of vanity. As I often say, as I say in speaking to audiences 00:08:26.770 --> 00:08:34.760 in national capitals around the world, it the way of giving instead of getting. But 00:08:34.760 --> 00:08:40.950 this world is on getting. Now how did we get that way? Well, first this Lucifer turned 00:08:40.950 --> 00:08:48.250 to it. And I read you the scripture in the 28th chapter of Ezekiel, in a preceding program. 00:08:48.250 --> 00:08:56.260 Then he led his angels into that way. Now as I say, it left only God who had that supreme 00:08:56.260 --> 00:08:59.820 righteous character. God had a great job he wanted those angels 00:08:59.820 --> 00:09:07.750 to do, but they, they sort of flunked out on the test. And they disqualified themselves 00:09:07.750 --> 00:09:13.880 to go on. The job he had is a job that now is the potential of human beings, and the 00:09:13.880 --> 00:09:19.920 great potential that is ahead of us now, and that is that we are to go to the planets all 00:09:19.920 --> 00:09:25.600 over this vast universe and complete their creation, and turn them from decay which has 00:09:25.600 --> 00:09:31.380 come as a result of the sin of those angels and the sins of men, and turn them into production 00:09:31.380 --> 00:09:37.360 and into beauty, and turn darkness and ugliness into beauty. God is the author of beauty; 00:09:37.360 --> 00:09:43.650 Satan is the author of ugliness. Now this Lucifer that was the super-archangel 00:09:43.650 --> 00:09:50.700 - God changed his name to Satan the Devil. "Satan" means... Lucifer, let me tell you 00:09:50.700 --> 00:09:56.700 first what his name "Lucifer" meant. Lucifer was a word which meant "cherub" or "shining 00:09:56.700 --> 00:10:04.190 star of the dawn." It meant he was a bringer of light and truth. But "Satan" is just the 00:10:04.190 --> 00:10:11.360 opposite. It is a rival, an adversary, or an enemy, and that is the meaning of the word 00:10:11.360 --> 00:10:16.850 "Satan the Devil." Now this Lucifer became Satan. 00:10:16.850 --> 00:10:23.620 God saw that he was the only one now. He knew that there's no use in trying to just create 00:10:23.620 --> 00:10:28.510 more and more angels. Well, a third of the angels had gone wrong. I don't know about 00:10:28.510 --> 00:10:33.240 the other two-thirds, the Bible doesn't tell us, but maybe they turned to the right way 00:10:33.240 --> 00:10:38.710 because they are called holy angels. And I think the Bible could not call them that if 00:10:38.710 --> 00:10:45.730 they had not made the right decision and gained that right character of holiness and perfection, 00:10:45.730 --> 00:10:51.990 and in other words, according to the way of God, which is a way of life, and a way of 00:10:51.990 --> 00:10:55.820 conducting yourself in your relation to other people. 00:10:55.820 --> 00:10:59.860 Herbert W Armstrong will return right after this message. 00:10:59.860 --> 00:11:08.480 Well life's been pretty good, summer home, yacht, vacation when I want it. 00:11:08.480 --> 00:11:19.480 Some little kid sure spent a lot of time with that, too bad they never last. 00:11:19.480 --> 00:11:32.690 Yeah, a lot of things are like that, kids are grown now and Sandy and I aren't getting 00:11:32.690 --> 00:11:35.940 any younger. Is this all there is? 00:11:35.940 --> 00:11:40.310 You can know the answer to this age old question "Why were you BORN?". 00:11:40.310 --> 00:11:58.010 To request your free copy, dial direct (800) 423-4444 that's (800) 423-4444. 00:11:58.010 --> 00:12:06.250 Then God created man. It was only god left, but God must have said, 'There are not enough 00:12:06.250 --> 00:12:12.690 of me, I've got to have millions and billions of beings with my kind of character' that 00:12:12.690 --> 00:12:21.430 can go throughout this entire endless universe, throughout all space, and restore these that 00:12:21.430 --> 00:12:28.149 have come to a state of decay, and restore them to beauty and to production. So what 00:12:28.149 --> 00:12:33.200 was God going to do? Well he said, 'I'm the only one that has that 00:12:33.200 --> 00:12:42.050 character, but there are not enough of me.' So he said, "I will create man in my own image." 00:12:42.050 --> 00:12:49.040 In other words, I will reproduce myself. Now in order to do that, man had to go through 00:12:49.040 --> 00:12:57.959 this same thing of developing character and he had to make his own decisions. And so, 00:12:57.959 --> 00:13:03.410 in case man went the wrong way, instead of making him immortal as God had made the angels, 00:13:03.410 --> 00:13:08.170 God made man out of matter. That's why we're from the dust of the Earth. 00:13:08.170 --> 00:13:16.080 We're only matter. There is a spirit in connection with our brain that imparts the power of intellect, 00:13:16.080 --> 00:13:22.390 but we are not spirit. In the 2nd chapter of Genesis, verse 7 (Genesis 2:7), "God formed 00:13:22.390 --> 00:13:28.430 man of the dust of the ground." Now the man was formed from the dust of the ground, and 00:13:28.430 --> 00:13:34.330 God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man" (formed from the dust of 00:13:34.330 --> 00:13:43.880 the ground) became, became, was turned into, "became a living soul," not an immortal soul. 00:13:43.880 --> 00:13:48.769 That's one of the first things I learned in the Bible 50 years ago. That was the most 00:13:48.769 --> 00:13:54.140 shocking thing that had ever come to me in my life, to learn I was not an immortal soul, 00:13:54.140 --> 00:13:59.670 and to learn that the Bible says "the soul that sinneth, it shall die," and that Adam 00:13:59.670 --> 00:14:05.560 was a soul, and Eve was a soul, and God said to them, 'If you disobey me, you will surely 00:14:05.560 --> 00:14:09.360 die.' Now God offered them eternal life and his 00:14:09.360 --> 00:14:17.560 Holy Spirit if they would follow his way. Adam had the chance to qualify to restore 00:14:17.560 --> 00:14:24.160 the government of God on the Earth, which had been lost through Satan. Adam had that 00:14:24.160 --> 00:14:30.600 opportunity. However, God had first talked with Adam. He created man after his own image 00:14:30.600 --> 00:14:35.100 and likeness, in other words, the same form and shape, but we were made of matter and 00:14:35.100 --> 00:14:41.959 God is composed of immortal spirit. And God, as I say, has this holy righteous perfect 00:14:41.959 --> 00:14:45.260 character, but man does not have it, at least not yet. 00:14:45.260 --> 00:14:51.620 Now God started with the same way he did with the angels. He taught the man. And God did 00:14:51.620 --> 00:14:58.480 not allow this Satan to come to him until he taught the man and the woman, then he did 00:14:58.480 --> 00:15:03.890 allow Satan to come along. Now Satan said, in effect, he said, 'Look you can't believe 00:15:03.890 --> 00:15:10.850 what God is saying. God knows better. He's lying to you, and you can believe me.' And 00:15:10.850 --> 00:15:14.190 there was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and he said, 'You go ahead and take 00:15:14.190 --> 00:15:20.990 of that and you will be God yourself.' So they believed what Satan said. They did 00:15:20.990 --> 00:15:27.740 not believe God. They believed in God, they knew he was the creator, but they did not 00:15:27.740 --> 00:15:34.649 believe God. That is, they didn't believe what he said. I hope I make that plain, because 00:15:34.649 --> 00:15:39.930 most people don't know the difference between believing in Christ and believing Christ. 00:15:39.930 --> 00:15:47.079 There are a few million people in this world, several million, who really believe in Christ 00:15:47.079 --> 00:15:52.620 and believe in God, but they don't believe God, and they don't believe Christ. They don't 00:15:52.620 --> 00:15:58.300 believe what they have said. When Jesus Christ came in the human form, 00:15:58.300 --> 00:16:05.450 1900 and some years ago, almost 2000 years ago, he preached to thousands. Thousands heard 00:16:05.450 --> 00:16:13.740 him, but how many really believed him? Adam and Eve made the wrong choice. Adam said, 00:16:13.740 --> 00:16:19.680 in effect, where God had given him the chance now to qualify, to take the place of Satan 00:16:19.680 --> 00:16:25.800 and to restore the government on the Earth, Adam said, 'Lord, I know who you are. You're 00:16:25.800 --> 00:16:36.850 my creator, but I don't want you for my God. I don't want you to be my ruler, and I don't 00:16:36.850 --> 00:16:41.320 want to obey you, and I don't want to believe that I have to get my knowledge from you, 00:16:41.320 --> 00:16:49.120 that you are the basic source of knowledge.' And in other words, to paraphrase it in modern 00:16:49.120 --> 00:16:55.140 language, he said the same as, 'God, get your nose out of my affairs. What are you trying 00:16:55.140 --> 00:17:01.709 to get from me? Well, I'll decide for myself what is right and wrong. I'll run myself.' 00:17:01.709 --> 00:17:07.029 So God said, in effect, and this is in my own language now, but this is what it means 00:17:07.029 --> 00:17:10.470 in the Bible. God said, 'All right, Adam, you have had the 00:17:10.470 --> 00:17:18.359 chance. You have made the decision. I give what you want. I will adopt a plan of 6,000 00:17:18.359 --> 00:17:24.439 years of keeping hands-off, and I'll keep my nose out of your affairs.' In other words, 00:17:24.439 --> 00:17:33.359 'I am sentencing you. And this is a sentence for you, and your children who will become 00:17:33.359 --> 00:17:38.269 the world, to 6,000 years of being cut off from me.' 00:17:38.269 --> 00:17:43.730 'You have to decide for yourself what is right from what is wrong. You must go out and choose 00:17:43.730 --> 00:17:49.179 your own religions, choose your own gods, make up your own gods out of your own minds 00:17:49.179 --> 00:17:55.460 of what you think God is. You go out and form your own governments. You form your own systems 00:17:55.460 --> 00:18:02.669 of civilization and education. But I'm cutting you off from me.' 00:18:02.669 --> 00:18:08.179 Then God said, 'But I'm making one exception. As we go along, here and there there's going 00:18:08.179 --> 00:18:15.269 to be a man or perhaps in some cases a group of men, that I want to call and deal with 00:18:15.269 --> 00:18:22.619 personally, and give a commission to, to perform for me. So I reserve the right to call them 00:18:22.619 --> 00:18:27.639 out of this world of yours.' Now that's what I want you to realize, that 00:18:27.639 --> 00:18:33.940 except - and this is what no church in this world understands or believes - that the world 00:18:33.940 --> 00:18:39.999 is cut off from God. Now let me tell you what that means. Most people think that everyone 00:18:39.999 --> 00:18:46.359 is lost unless they get saved by believing on Christ, and they just think it's believing 00:18:46.359 --> 00:18:54.710 on Christ, and they don't believe Christ. Let me show you what it means. The world as 00:18:54.710 --> 00:19:02.840 a whole is not lost. The world as a whole is not saved. Since God cut them off - God 00:19:02.840 --> 00:19:10.350 cannot be unfair and say you're condemned now for eternity - they were only sentenced 00:19:10.350 --> 00:19:16.320 to be cut off from him for 6,000 years in this life. But as you read in the 37th chapter 00:19:16.320 --> 00:19:23.299 of Ezekiel, and in the 20th chapter of Revelation, there is coming after the thousand years rule 00:19:23.299 --> 00:19:28.279 of Jesus Christ to bring peace on this Earth, there is coming a time to be known as the 00:19:28.279 --> 00:19:34.710 Great White Judgement. Then all the dead, starting way back with 00:19:34.710 --> 00:19:42.369 Seth, the son of Adam, and all the way through, all of those people that have been cut off 00:19:42.369 --> 00:19:48.429 from any chance of any kind. They were not condemned, they're not lost, they're going 00:19:48.429 --> 00:19:54.889 to be resurrected right back into mortal flesh. Read the 37th chapter of Ezekiel, and you'll 00:19:54.889 --> 00:20:02.730 find quite a description of that. And God is then going to speak to them and put his 00:20:02.730 --> 00:20:07.940 spirit into them, and they will stand on their feet, and that's when they will come to be 00:20:07.940 --> 00:20:12.779 converted. In this life, God knew Satan would be there, 00:20:12.779 --> 00:20:17.639 and would be deceiving the world. In other words, what he knew was that man would go 00:20:17.639 --> 00:20:23.460 the way of Satan, and he wanted them to have 6,000 years of proving that this way of Satan, 00:20:23.460 --> 00:20:29.879 the way of getting, the way of vanity, the way of jealousy and envy and of competition 00:20:29.879 --> 00:20:37.200 and strife, is wrong and can only bring heartache, and can only harm people and bring nothing 00:20:37.200 --> 00:20:42.909 but the kind of violence, and the terrible things that have come to this Earth. 00:20:42.909 --> 00:20:47.710 That's why there has to be a cause. We've gone the wrong way. We've gone the way of 00:20:47.710 --> 00:20:52.879 Satan. We've gone the way of vanity, lust, and greed. We've gone the way of competition 00:20:52.879 --> 00:20:57.889 and strife. We've gone the way of jealousy and envy, but not the way of love, not the 00:20:57.889 --> 00:21:09.100 way of giving and of kindness, and of helping. And there is such a great difference. 00:21:09.100 --> 00:21:19.779 Herbert W Armstrong will return right after this message. You're invited to learn more about these important issues through the pages of Plain Truth, 00:21:19.779 --> 00:21:24.580 this International journal of understanding comes along every month with a penetrating 00:21:24.580 --> 00:21:34.359 analysis of World News in the light of Bible Prophecy. 00:21:34.359 --> 00:21:40.609 Plain Truth, this full color monthly publication underscores the importance of Biblical understanding 00:21:40.609 --> 00:21:50.330 in modern 20th century living. Your subscription is free of charge, there 00:21:50.330 --> 00:22:00.749 is no cost or obligation, call this toll free number (800) 423-4444 00:22:00.749 --> 00:22:10.919 that's (800) 423-4444. The Plain Truth, a magazine of understanding. 00:22:10.919 --> 00:22:18.799 God arranged so that Christ could come and be born, and be a human being. And being born 00:22:18.799 --> 00:22:26.639 of God, he was God, but being born of a human woman, he was also human. He is the only person 00:22:26.639 --> 00:22:34.679 who ever lived who was both human and also divine God. Now he was able, because he also 00:22:34.679 --> 00:22:42.570 God, to live a perfect life without any sin whatsoever. Then he gave that life of his, 00:22:42.570 --> 00:22:50.350 because he is the one who's our real maker. All things were made by him. 00:22:50.350 --> 00:22:57.229 And in Ephesians the 3rd chapter, God created all things by Jesus Christ, and through Jesus 00:22:57.229 --> 00:23:01.229 Christ. (Ephesians 3:9) But Christ was the maker and the one who did what his Father 00:23:01.229 --> 00:23:12.700 delegated to him to do. And consequently, when Christ died, he took on himself our sins, 00:23:12.700 --> 00:23:23.129 your sins and mine. And paid the penalty in your stead and my stead, for us. And God is 00:23:23.129 --> 00:23:31.299 a great giver, a great forgiver. He forgives, he blesses, he wants to give us every blessing 00:23:31.299 --> 00:23:36.519 in the world. Well now, finally coming to verse 22 of the 00:23:36.519 --> 00:23:41.399 3rd chapter of Genesis (Genesis 3:22), and I read this in a preceding program: "And the 00:23:41.399 --> 00:23:49.019 Eternal God said, Behold the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil, and now 00:23:49.019 --> 00:23:55.429 lest he put forth his hand and take also of the Tree of Life and eat, and live forever," 00:23:55.429 --> 00:24:00.019 now lest he gain immortal life, which god had not given him.... God had said 'You will 00:24:00.019 --> 00:24:06.249 die if you disobey,' and they did disobey. "Therefore the Eternal God sent him forth 00:24:06.249 --> 00:24:13.619 from the garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out 00:24:13.619 --> 00:24:20.570 the man," and of course his wife with him, "and he placed at the east of the garden of 00:24:20.570 --> 00:24:27.950 Eden cherubim and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the Tree of Life" 00:24:27.950 --> 00:24:34.220 lest they go back and gain the spirit of God and immortality and live forever. 00:24:34.220 --> 00:24:42.029 God cut humanity as a whole off from salvation, right there. But he reserved the right to 00:24:42.029 --> 00:24:50.929 call those whom he would call. Now he has called a number. Jesus Christ said, "No man 00:24:50.929 --> 00:25:01.179 can come to me, except the Father which sent me, draw him." (John 6:44) Otherwise, no one 00:25:01.179 --> 00:25:06.259 can come to Christ. They say, 'Come and give your heart to the Lord. Give your heart to 00:25:06.259 --> 00:25:10.859 Christ.' Brethren, the world as a whole cannot do that, 00:25:10.859 --> 00:25:15.799 unless God has called them. Now you'll find two places in the Bible where it speaks about 00:25:15.799 --> 00:25:23.429 predestination. One is in the 8th chapter of Romans, and the other is in the first chapter 00:25:23.429 --> 00:25:29.679 of Ephesians. And the meaning of predestination, practically no one understands it. Almost 00:25:29.679 --> 00:25:36.389 no one ever gets it. It.... You're not predestinated to be lost, no one is. But some are predestinated 00:25:36.389 --> 00:25:43.049 to be called now while Satan is still ruling and reigning over this Earth, instead of later. 00:25:43.049 --> 00:25:47.679 After when Christ comes, the first thing he will do is put Satan away. And then Christ 00:25:47.679 --> 00:25:53.460 will... everybody will be called to salvation that is still living on Earth. And after that 00:25:53.460 --> 00:25:59.119 thousand years, everybody else who ever lived before will be resurrected and given the chance 00:25:59.119 --> 00:26:05.769 to come. Oh, what a wonderful God, and what a wonderful savior we do have! 00:26:05.769 --> 00:26:10.580 Why can't we realize it, instead of the fables that are being taught and called Christianity, 00:26:10.580 --> 00:26:19.499 which are just the opposite of the Christianity of your Bible, and of your real God? Well, 00:26:19.499 --> 00:26:25.239 God cut humanity off except those who he would call. Now it has been that way all the way 00:26:25.239 --> 00:26:32.379 along. You come down to the time of Christ, and there were the disciples of Christ, they 00:26:32.379 --> 00:26:39.320 wanted to do something else, but Jesus called them. And they followed him, and he taught 00:26:39.320 --> 00:26:44.639 them to be apostles. Apostles are ones sent with the gospel, and 00:26:44.639 --> 00:26:49.970 the gospel is that Christ brought - and I'll be coming to that in about the next program, 00:26:49.970 --> 00:26:55.970 I hope - is the good news of the coming government of God being restored to this Earth, but it'll 00:26:55.970 --> 00:27:01.070 be more than just the government of God, it'll also be the kingdom of God which is the family 00:27:01.070 --> 00:27:08.659 of God into which we may be born. Let me tell you, there are very few - even 00:27:08.659 --> 00:27:14.840 though you might become a president of the United States - very few who understand what 00:27:14.840 --> 00:27:23.499 it means to be born again. Those who are born of God become like God, and they're in the 00:27:23.499 --> 00:27:28.649 family of God, and they're no longer mortal, they're immortal. They're no longer like, 00:27:28.649 --> 00:27:35.090 made out of flesh, they're made out of spirit, composed of spirit, and holiness, and righteousness, 00:27:35.090 --> 00:27:41.849 and they cannot be born that way until they have developed this holy, righteous, perfect 00:27:41.849 --> 00:27:44.869 character. Now I'm going to leave you with that, that's 00:27:44.869 --> 00:27:51.489 the purpose of God in this life. I hope that we can go on from there in the next program 00:27:51.489 --> 00:27:55.389 of this series, and I hope that we can keep this series going for some little time now. 00:27:55.389 --> 00:28:03.299 Well, I say goodbye now. This is Herbert W. Armstrong saying goodbye, until the next time. 00:28:03.299 --> 00:28:12.109 For the free literature offered on this program visit Herbert W Armstrong Library (www.hwalibrary.com). 00:28:12.109 --> 00:28:29.369 The Address and Phone Number for the Worldwide Church of God are no longer valid, please 00:28:29.369 --> 00:29:01.489 visit www.hwalibrary.com for all literature offered and produced by the Worldwide Church of God.