WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:05.600 --> 00:00:12.830 Is there a purpose in human beings being here? Were we put here or did we just evolve from 00:00:13.190 --> 00:00:21.500 a spineless amoeba single-celled amoeba? Where are we going? Is there purpose to life? 00:00:22.670 --> 00:00:29.800 And what is the way? And let me say here that I bring you absolutely 00:00:30.949 --> 00:00:37.949 certain hope a hope that is absolutely sure and that is that there is coming in this generation 00:00:39.040 --> 00:00:50.790 in the generation in which you live world peace! prosperity! universal prosperity happiness! 00:00:50.790 --> 00:00:55.000 brimful and running over and salvation to mankind. 00:00:59.900 --> 00:01:05.500 The Word Tomorrow, The Worldwide Church of God presents 00:01:05.600 --> 00:01:10.500 The World Tomorrow with Herbert W. Armstrong 00:01:35.000 --> 00:01:38.500 Ladies and gentlemen, Herbert W Armstrong. 00:01:39.900 --> 00:01:46.200 All you read in the newspapers, all you hear in newscasts, is bad news. 00:01:46.260 --> 00:01:50.890 You hear of the evils of the world and it seems that there is nothing good. 00:01:50.890 --> 00:01:55.780 What was the cause? Is there a devil? 00:01:55.780 --> 00:01:59.630 And if there is a devil how did where did he come from? 00:01:59.630 --> 00:02:04.990 I'm going to answer all of those things but to answer let me say it's a good deal like 00:02:04.990 --> 00:02:11.340 going into a motion picture show. And you go in about three fourths of the way 00:02:11.340 --> 00:02:18.340 along in the movie and you don't know what went before. You didn't see what led up to 00:02:19.220 --> 00:02:24.010 what you're seeing near the end. And, you can't understand it. 00:02:24.010 --> 00:02:28.470 It doesn't make sense if you don't know what went before. 00:02:28.470 --> 00:02:33.569 In order to answer the questions that I put to you that are the most important things 00:02:33.569 --> 00:02:38.030 in this world to know, I must begin at the beginning. 00:02:38.030 --> 00:02:44.860 And the beginning is not history. It's prehistory. It's before there was any history. It is before 00:02:44.860 --> 00:02:48.880 Jesus Christ. Now I suppose that most people would say that 00:02:48.880 --> 00:02:53.069 the beginning if you're going to begin at the beginning in the Bible would be Genesis 00:02:53.069 --> 00:02:57.849 one verse one. That's the first verse in all the Bible. 00:02:57.849 --> 00:03:01.590 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 00:03:01.590 --> 00:03:06.709 But that is not the beginning. There is a prehistory considerably and it 00:03:06.709 --> 00:03:10.540 might be even millions or billions of years before that. 00:03:10.540 --> 00:03:15.069 Because the number of years the amount of time is not revealed at all. 00:03:15.069 --> 00:03:22.069 And the beginning then is John the first chapter, and the first three verses. In the beginning 00:03:23.099 --> 00:03:27.980 was the Word. Now that word, "Word," is translated into 00:03:27.980 --> 00:03:34.980 the English language from the original Greek. It means the one who speaks and is the spokesman 00:03:37.310 --> 00:03:43.849 of the Godhead. "And the Word was with God and the Word was 00:03:43.849 --> 00:03:50.849 God." Now the Word was one personage. That personage was with God another personage. 00:03:51.120 --> 00:03:54.349 But the first personage, the Word, was also God. 00:03:54.349 --> 00:03:58.629 And so they are both God. That is the real beginning. 00:03:58.629 --> 00:04:04.590 And that is before there was any earth. That is actually before 00:04:04.590 --> 00:04:10.530 there was any such thing as a physical universe. There was no earth. There was no sun. 00:04:10.530 --> 00:04:15.060 There were no planets. There were no galaxies. 00:04:15.060 --> 00:04:19.299 All that had come later. The second verse says, "The same was in the 00:04:19.299 --> 00:04:23.990 beginning with God" that is the Spokesman, the Word. 00:04:23.990 --> 00:04:29.610 "All things were made by him; and without him was nothing made that was made." 00:04:29.610 --> 00:04:34.360 In the third chapter of Ephesians is a verse that says, "God... created all things by" 00:04:34.360 --> 00:04:39.360 and through "Jesus Christ." Now in the 14th verse of this first chapter 00:04:39.360 --> 00:04:46.300 of John, you will read that "... the Word was made flesh... "and dwelt among us; and 00:04:46.300 --> 00:04:52.710 we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and 00:04:52.710 --> 00:04:57.919 truth." That Word then became Jesus Christ. 00:04:57.919 --> 00:05:03.319 Now there is no evidence of any physical universe of any kind at the time. There was just an 00:05:03.319 --> 00:05:10.319 outer space if you can think about that. I can understand how this God and the Word 00:05:10.520 --> 00:05:17.520 who were alone in space and no other living creatures of any kind in existence anywhere 00:05:20.159 --> 00:05:27.020 and how they must have thought and thought out what to do and planned. And they might 00:05:27.020 --> 00:05:31.119 have taken millions of years doing it. The amount of time is not revealed at all in the 00:05:31.119 --> 00:05:36.669 Bible. We don't know. But we do know this that they created angels 00:05:36.669 --> 00:05:39.930 first. Angels are made out of spirit. 00:05:39.930 --> 00:05:46.930 They're not made out of matter. Now, angels were created before the earth. 00:05:48.219 --> 00:05:55.219 You know Job was a man who lived long, long ago in most ancient times and Job apparently 00:05:59.020 --> 00:06:04.139 had built a great building. And I feel that it is certain that Job was 00:06:04.139 --> 00:06:08.949 the actual designer and builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza. 00:06:08.949 --> 00:06:14.680 Job was a man of great ability, great knowledge, great mind. 00:06:14.680 --> 00:06:20.419 Job was so near perfect that even Satan the devil couldn't find anything wrong with him. 00:06:20.419 --> 00:06:26.139 Satan is the accuser of God's people but, Satan wanted to accuse Job and had nothing 00:06:26.139 --> 00:06:32.259 to accuse him of. And Satan argued with God that if you take 00:06:32.259 --> 00:06:37.409 away from him all he has then you'll find he'll turn against you and he will begin to 00:06:37.409 --> 00:06:42.059 commit sin. So God allowed it. And Satan took away all 00:06:42.059 --> 00:06:48.719 of his sons his children all of his great vast wealth. He was the wealthiest man in 00:06:48.719 --> 00:06:54.860 the East. And left just Job and his wife penniless. 00:06:54.860 --> 00:07:00.909 And still Job did not sin. Satan then came to God and says Well, a man 00:07:00.909 --> 00:07:07.869 will do anything to save his own life. Let me touch him! 00:07:07.869 --> 00:07:12.559 And then see if he doesn't turn against you. And God says All right, I'll let you touch 00:07:12.559 --> 00:07:17.300 him. But spare his life I will not give you any 00:07:17.300 --> 00:07:23.659 right to take his life. So Satan thought of the most painful thing 00:07:23.659 --> 00:07:30.659 that he could inflict on Job short of death and that was to fill him with boils from head 00:07:31.580 --> 00:07:37.029 to foot. Then, Job's three friends came and they began 00:07:37.029 --> 00:07:39.479 a discussion. That's what the book of job is all about. 00:07:39.479 --> 00:07:46.479 His three friends thought that all that happened to Job was Job's own fault and he'd brought 00:07:46.719 --> 00:07:52.199 it on himself. And Job insisted on his own righteousness, and that it was not a result 00:07:52.199 --> 00:07:58.330 of any sins on his part. And in the 38th chapter it says, Then the Eternal answered Job out 00:07:58.330 --> 00:08:05.330 of a whirlwind and said verse four "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the 00:08:06.330 --> 00:08:11.619 earth?" Now, this doesn't make sense if Job had not built a great building the greatest 00:08:11.619 --> 00:08:18.619 building on earth the tallest and highest building until the Woolworth Tower was built 00:08:19.139 --> 00:08:23.490 in down in Wall Street, New York or just off of Wall Street. 00:08:23.490 --> 00:08:28.789 So, Job had built some great building. "Declare, if thou hast understanding. Who 00:08:28.789 --> 00:08:33.310 hath laid the measures thereof the measures thereof if thou knowest? Or who hath stretched 00:08:33.310 --> 00:08:40.310 the line upon it?" Talking in the language of one that would build a great master building. 00:08:40.880 --> 00:08:47.880 "Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? Or who have laid the cornerstone thereof? 00:08:49.330 --> 00:08:55.880 "When the morning stars sang together. "And all the sons of God shouted for joy?" 00:08:55.880 --> 00:09:01.310 In that case that is long before man was created. Therefore, the sons of God, therefore, are 00:09:01.310 --> 00:09:06.140 and all the way from the first chapter of Genesis referred to as the angels. 00:09:06.140 --> 00:09:09.260 The angels then were in existence before the earth. 00:09:09.260 --> 00:09:13.010 They shouted for joy at the completion of the earth. 00:09:13.010 --> 00:09:18.640 Why did they shout? Because this earth was created to become their 00:09:18.640 --> 00:09:25.300 abode. Angels occupied this earth before any human 00:09:25.300 --> 00:09:29.610 man. Now, how many know that? 00:09:29.610 --> 00:09:33.960 How many ministers? how many evangelists ever tell you that? They don't begin way back there 00:09:33.960 --> 00:09:38.720 at the beginning. And if you don't get that beginning, you can't understand the present 00:09:38.720 --> 00:09:45.720 unless you know what has led up to it. Now, God created angels out of spirit still 00:09:47.050 --> 00:09:52.800 no matter until we come to the first chapter of Genesis which comes next. 00:09:52.800 --> 00:09:58.650 "In the beginning God created "the heavens" and it should be plural as Moses wrote it 00:09:58.650 --> 00:10:05.650 in the Hebrew language "and the earth." In other words God created the earth and the 00:10:08.310 --> 00:10:15.310 whole universe but He created angels first. Now He created the physical material universe. 00:10:17.110 --> 00:10:24.110 He created it at first for the angels. He had a most important job for them to do. 00:10:24.570 --> 00:10:29.960 That is the way God created the earth. That is the way He created the entire vast universe. 00:10:29.960 --> 00:10:36.840 He did not finish it. He put angels on the earth and their job was to finish it. 00:10:36.840 --> 00:10:42.880 God had a great job for them to do. And that's why they were put on the earth. 00:10:42.880 --> 00:10:48.580 But now what is the most important thing that God can create? 00:10:48.580 --> 00:10:53.990 The most important thing that could be created is something God cannot create directly by 00:10:53.990 --> 00:11:00.990 fiat at all! And that is holy, righteous, perfect character. 00:11:02.450 --> 00:11:08.300 If God made the angels so that they had to do just that right perfect thing and never 00:11:08.300 --> 00:11:13.240 could do anything else, they would be like a machine that does what its maker has intended 00:11:13.240 --> 00:11:17.160 but it has no mind. It can't think. There's no character. 00:11:17.160 --> 00:11:22.130 That isn't what God wanted. So He created the angels with minds. He gave 00:11:22.130 --> 00:11:27.530 the angels knowledge. He showed the angels His way of living. And when He had put them 00:11:27.530 --> 00:11:32.880 on the earth in order that they would work together in accomplishing His purpose and 00:11:32.880 --> 00:11:38.070 this was the trying ground and if they should succeed in finishing what He wanted finished 00:11:38.070 --> 00:11:45.070 on this earth, then they would go to the other planets of our solar system like Mars, Jupiter, 00:11:45.140 --> 00:11:50.170 Saturn and the others. And after they'd finished our solar system 00:11:50.170 --> 00:11:55.130 which is only part of a great galaxy then they would go to the other planets in our 00:11:55.130 --> 00:12:00.520 galaxy and after they'd finished that, to the other myriad galaxies as far as outer 00:12:00.520 --> 00:12:05.740 space goes. Now I'm going to show you that instead of 00:12:05.740 --> 00:12:12.740 building up and finishing it they destroyed the earth and tore it down and started wrecking 00:12:12.930 --> 00:12:19.690 what God had created instead of adding beauty and other things to it. Now God is the author 00:12:19.690 --> 00:12:26.690 of beauty. God is the author of light. Satan is the author of chaos, of confusion, 00:12:29.350 --> 00:12:34.700 and of darkness. And but I want to show you a little more about 00:12:34.700 --> 00:12:41.700 Satan and his origin. You're invited to learn more about these important 00:12:48.130 --> 00:12:54.290 issues through the pages of Plain Truth. This international journal of understanding comes 00:12:54.290 --> 00:13:01.290 along every month with a penetrating analysis of world views in the light of Bible prophecy. 00:13:06.350 --> 00:13:12.380 Plain Truth, this full color monthly publication underscores the importance of biblical understanding 00:13:12.380 --> 00:13:19.380 in modern 20th century living. Your subscription is free-of-charge. There 00:13:21.800 --> 00:13:27.690 is no cost or obligation. Call this toll free number. 00:13:27.690 --> 00:13:34.690 The Plain Truth a magazine of understanding. God put over those angels a super archangel 00:13:47.160 --> 00:13:53.820 the most perfect, the most powerful being that God could create. But remember I told 00:13:53.820 --> 00:14:00.820 you the one thing God cannot instantly create without taking away the right of free choice 00:14:00.820 --> 00:14:07.820 the right of any character whatsoever is CHARACTER holy, righteous, perfect character. 00:14:09.750 --> 00:14:15.580 And so God did not create the angels with that. God showed them and taught them the 00:14:15.580 --> 00:14:22.580 right way but he did not force them to go the right way. 00:14:22.870 --> 00:14:28.430 They had to make their own decision even as you and I and ultimately the whole world will 00:14:28.430 --> 00:14:31.650 have to but most of the world is not called to judgment as yet. 00:14:31.650 --> 00:14:38.650 Now, in the 14th chapter of Isaiah you'll began reading about the King of Babylon who 00:14:41.770 --> 00:14:47.560 was a type of sin on the earth the ancient King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. 00:14:47.560 --> 00:14:54.560 And then it comes to the 12th verse and speaks of someone not, not human at all someone far 00:14:56.960 --> 00:15:03.960 greater of whom the King of Babylon was only an earthly servant or type and, and so on. 00:15:04.970 --> 00:15:11.850 He says here, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer." That's the great antetype. 00:15:11.850 --> 00:15:17.630 Just as Nebuchadnezzar was the first ruler of an empire the ruler over the world so this 00:15:17.630 --> 00:15:22.880 is someone who was put as ruler over the whole earth in the time of angels. 00:15:22.880 --> 00:15:29.880 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer...." His name was Lucifer. The name Lucifer means 00:15:30.170 --> 00:15:37.170 'shining star of the dawn' a light bringer a bringer of light and truth "son of the morning!" 00:15:38.690 --> 00:15:45.690 Well, that's another word that even describes the meaning "son of the morning" "light bringer." 00:15:48.990 --> 00:15:54.120 He had fallen from heaven. "How art thou cut down to the ground. 00:15:54.120 --> 00:16:00.310 "Which didst weaken the nations" or a better translation how are thou who did weaken the 00:16:00.310 --> 00:16:05.900 nations, cut down to the ground. 'For thou hast said in thine heart, I wiil 00:16:05.900 --> 00:16:11.870 ascend into heaven. "I will exalt my throne above the stars of 00:16:11.870 --> 00:16:14.750 God." Now he had a throne. I want you to notice 00:16:14.750 --> 00:16:18.800 that. He was a king! He was over the angels. 00:16:18.800 --> 00:16:22.760 He had a throne. His throne was on the earth because he was going it was under the clouds 00:16:22.760 --> 00:16:28.140 he was going to ascend to heaven above the clouds. "I will sit also upon the mount of 00:16:28.140 --> 00:16:34.510 the congregation, in the sides of the north." That is the only description in the Bible 00:16:34.510 --> 00:16:40.350 of the place of the throne of God in the far north. Astronomers find very little in the 00:16:40.350 --> 00:16:46.260 far north. He continued and said, "I will ascend above 00:16:46.260 --> 00:16:49.270 the heights of the clouds." So he was on the earth. 00:16:49.270 --> 00:16:54.600 "I will be" it says here "like the most high" but a better translation is "I will become 00:16:54.600 --> 00:16:59.880 the most high myself." I am going to take away the throne from God. I'm gonna sit as 00:16:59.880 --> 00:17:04.860 the ruler myself." "Yet thou shalt be brought down" here "to 00:17:04.860 --> 00:17:09.709 hell" which in the Hebrew language it's 'Sheol' and means 'the grave'. 00:17:09.709 --> 00:17:16.709 Now I'd like you to turn next to Ezekiel the twenty eighth chapter and here again we find 00:17:17.059 --> 00:17:21.589 something mentioned of him. Now here it starts out talking about the prince 00:17:21.589 --> 00:17:26.449 of Tyre in the second verse. Then finally it comes to the great antetype 00:17:26.449 --> 00:17:31.450 that he represented actually. "Moreover the word of the Eternal came unto 00:17:31.450 --> 00:17:37.789 me saying, "Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the King of Tyre. 00:17:37.789 --> 00:17:42.470 Now it started out talking about the prince of Tyre the human ruler. Now it talks of the 00:17:42.470 --> 00:17:49.070 King of Tyre who was not human. "And say unto him," thus says the Lord Eternal: 00:17:49.070 --> 00:17:56.070 "Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty." 00:17:56.690 --> 00:18:01.779 Never can you find a place where God says that of any human man perfect in beauty. The 00:18:01.779 --> 00:18:06.480 only one that it could possibly be said of would be Jesus Christ. 00:18:06.480 --> 00:18:13.070 "Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God" so He was here on the earth and that's where 00:18:13.070 --> 00:18:18.970 His throne was "every precious stone was thy covering" and then it goes on to mention many 00:18:18.970 --> 00:18:23.580 of them. And continuing now in verse fourteen "Thou 00:18:23.580 --> 00:18:29.539 art the anointed cherub that covereth." Now that takes us immediately back to the twenty-fourth 00:18:29.539 --> 00:18:36.539 and twenty-fifth chapters of Exodus where God was revealing to Moses, something about 00:18:37.100 --> 00:18:43.240 the throne of God in heaven. "Thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; 00:18:43.240 --> 00:18:47.389 thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire." 00:18:47.389 --> 00:18:54.389 Now get this listen! "Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created," 00:18:55.029 --> 00:19:00.809 he was not born being like we are. He was a created being. 00:19:00.809 --> 00:19:05.820 And he was perfect in his ways from the day he was created, "till iniquity was found in 00:19:05.820 --> 00:19:10.179 him." Now, as I say, if God had made him perfect 00:19:10.179 --> 00:19:15.100 you know he couldn't do wrong there would have been no character whatever. 00:19:15.100 --> 00:19:20.470 God created him with a mind of his own. God showed him the right way. God showed him 00:19:20.470 --> 00:19:26.350 the way of holy, righteous, perfect character. God set the example in that God had that Himself 00:19:26.350 --> 00:19:33.350 and and this Lucifer could see it. But he had gone the wrong way. 00:19:34.879 --> 00:19:41.879 Now, he had made that choice himself. He had chosen the wrong kind of character. 00:19:42.529 --> 00:19:48.980 Now the next verse here is, "By the multitude of thy merchandise" and of course it was the 00:19:48.980 --> 00:19:54.639 king of the local prince of Tyre. It was the commercial center of the world. 00:19:54.639 --> 00:20:01.639 "They have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast SINNED; 00:20:01.940 --> 00:20:08.720 Therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God; and I will destroy 00:20:08.720 --> 00:20:14.090 thee," or 'remove' thee is a better word O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones 00:20:14.090 --> 00:20:19.690 of fire. Now this great archangel now became no longer 00:20:19.690 --> 00:20:26.690 Lucifer the bringer of light and truth but now the bringer of darkness. 00:20:27.450 --> 00:20:32.190 And a destroyer instead of a builder instead of... building up and adding to the earth 00:20:32.190 --> 00:20:39.190 and making it more glorious and more beautiful (... which is the way of God) he now was making 00:20:40.460 --> 00:20:47.460 it ugly and destroying and tearing it down. Thou "was lifted up because of thy beauty, 00:20:47.580 --> 00:20:54.059 thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness and I will cast the to the 00:20:54.059 --> 00:20:59.279 ground...." Now in the 12th chapter of the book of Revelation 00:20:59.279 --> 00:21:06.279 you will find where John in his vision saw him and a third of the angels falling to the 00:21:07.220 --> 00:21:13.279 ground from heaven when they had tried to ascend up to heaven. 00:21:13.279 --> 00:21:19.059 Now this great Lucifer now, had had led his angels into a rebellion. 00:21:19.059 --> 00:21:24.429 That left the earth in the condition that we find described back here in Genesis the 00:21:24.429 --> 00:21:29.580 first chapter and beginning with the second verse. "And the earth was" that word 'was' 00:21:29.580 --> 00:21:36.249 is otherwise a Gre... the Hebrew word is translated 'became' because God didn't create it this 00:21:36.249 --> 00:21:42.899 way. It came to be this way "without form and void." Now those words in that Moses wrote 00:21:42.899 --> 00:21:49.899 in the Hebrew language, were 'tohu' and 'bohu.' It means chaotic, confusion, waste and empty, 00:21:52.299 --> 00:21:59.299 and it it means corruption and degeneration. It is not the way anything could be created 00:22:01.779 --> 00:22:08.779 it is the way things become through evil and so here the earth had come to be in that kind 00:22:12.999 --> 00:22:17.850 of a condition. "And darkness was upon the face of the deep." Now we find that the whole 00:22:17.850 --> 00:22:24.850 earth was covered with water at that time. And it was all dark. Satan had brought darkness 00:22:26.440 --> 00:22:33.159 where God had put light. Now the first thing then that the word did 00:22:33.159 --> 00:22:37.009 who later became Christ was to say, "Let there be light." 00:22:37.009 --> 00:22:42.649 But I don't wanna get ahead of myself again. Now, I'd like to have you turn to the one 00:22:42.649 --> 00:22:49.649 hundred and fourth Psalm for just a moment. And the 30th verse where it says, "Thou sendest 00:22:53.009 --> 00:22:59.779 forth thy spirit," that is, God sends forth His spirit "they are created:" and God does 00:22:59.779 --> 00:23:04.700 His creation by the Holy Spirit and through the word of Christ. In other words the way 00:23:04.700 --> 00:23:10.499 God creates He creates through Christ. Christ is the Word and He speaks! 00:23:10.499 --> 00:23:16.970 And, it is done. How is it done? The spirit of God is the power that does it! 00:23:16.970 --> 00:23:23.879 Now, it says here, "Thou sendest forth [their] spirit, they are created: and thou RENEWEST 00:23:23.879 --> 00:23:29.100 the face of the earth." When did God renew the face of the earth? 00:23:29.100 --> 00:23:31.730 Back in the first chapter of Genesis, you find that. 00:23:31.730 --> 00:23:37.460 Now, after the angels and all of that, we come back to Genesis one and we find that 00:23:37.460 --> 00:23:44.460 the earth had become chaotic and waste and empty and darkness covered the surface of 00:23:45.859 --> 00:23:52.429 it, but it was a surface of water all ocean no dry land. 00:23:52.429 --> 00:23:58.399 And the spirit of God moved upon the waters. Now, I just read to you how God first sends 00:23:58.399 --> 00:24:03.659 forth his spirit. And then Christ speaks and it is done. 00:24:03.659 --> 00:24:09.899 And God said now the Word let me go back again. "In the beginning God created the heaven and 00:24:09.899 --> 00:24:16.159 the earth." The word for God there is not the word that means just Christ alone or God 00:24:16.159 --> 00:24:20.580 The father alone. The word is 'Elohim' in the Hebrew language 00:24:20.580 --> 00:24:27.580 and it is a uni-plural that means God the Father and Jesus who later became the Son, 00:24:31.330 --> 00:24:37.359 by human birth. Now they had been put on the earth and the 00:24:37.359 --> 00:24:42.759 earth had, had come to this state of darkness and chaos and confusion. That is the result 00:24:42.759 --> 00:24:46.659 of what the angles did instead of adding to it and building up. 00:24:46.659 --> 00:24:51.629 So the angels had failed in the great purpose. Now decay is not something created. It is 00:24:51.629 --> 00:24:58.559 the way something becomes as a result of a better creation and that's what we found there, 00:24:58.559 --> 00:25:03.230 that's what was on the Earth. Now here is what I want to show you. 00:25:03.230 --> 00:25:10.230 At that point it left only God the one that's called God and the one called the Word at 00:25:10.639 --> 00:25:17.019 that time this is before Jesus had been born. So just God and the Word and they were the 00:25:17.019 --> 00:25:24.019 only two beings in the whole universe now that had holy, righteous character that because 00:25:25.519 --> 00:25:30.779 they would not, they could not ever commit sin. They could be relied on never to go the 00:25:30.779 --> 00:25:35.850 wrong way. God wanted billions of people who would finish 00:25:35.850 --> 00:25:42.820 His great creation. God created man then in His own image in His 00:25:42.820 --> 00:25:46.999 likeness! But He created man out of flesh, out of matter! 00:25:46.999 --> 00:25:53.289 God's purpose now to reproduce Himself the greatest feat that even God could ever accomplish 00:25:53.289 --> 00:25:59.080 and that includes bringing us into righteous and holy and perfect character required man 00:25:59.080 --> 00:26:04.950 to be made of physical matter. That's why God had created matter. 00:26:04.950 --> 00:26:08.840 Because He foresaw that. It is like a failed-safe plan. 00:26:08.840 --> 00:26:12.789 Now what is the one thing uppermost in my mind of God now?! 00:26:12.789 --> 00:26:19.539 He has human beings on the earth and the thing uppermost in the mind of God is to restore 00:26:19.539 --> 00:26:26.539 the government of God and the character of God in humans. 00:26:27.019 --> 00:26:33.409 Now until you understand all that background, you can't understand the truth about mankind, 00:26:33.409 --> 00:26:37.200 beginning with Adam, and coming on up to Christ and from thereon. 00:26:37.200 --> 00:26:41.779 And until you understand these things, you don't know why you were born, you don't know 00:26:41.779 --> 00:26:47.359 why things are like they are on this earth, you don't know what's ahead, and how it's 00:26:47.359 --> 00:26:54.359 all going to come out finally with Christ coming back as the the King of Kings and the 00:26:54.409 --> 00:26:59.700 Lord of Lords to He's already qualified and He will come back to take over the reins of 00:26:59.700 --> 00:27:05.340 government of every nation on earth. Actually Satan has been in charge and has 00:27:05.340 --> 00:27:10.600 deceived all nations. Now how he has deceived that has to come in 00:27:10.600 --> 00:27:17.600 another program later which I hope to bring you very soon. 00:27:18.320 --> 00:27:24.919 And should come one week from now. And, I will go on and show you what led man 00:27:24.919 --> 00:27:29.539 into all of the troubles that we have, how we are to be delivered out them, how God's 00:27:29.539 --> 00:27:36.539 plan works, what salvation is why the world is so deceived and doesn't understand the 00:27:36.929 --> 00:27:40.169 truth of God. You'll have to begin at the beginning. 00:27:40.169 --> 00:27:45.440 Today I have begun at the beginning. And I have brought you up to the time when God was 00:27:45.440 --> 00:27:49.580 restoring and re-creating the surface of the earth for man. 00:27:49.580 --> 00:27:56.580 Next time I will begin with the creation of man and what went on from there. 00:27:57.470 --> 00:27:59.619 So that will be it for this time. Goodbye friends. 00:27:59.619 --> 00:28:06.619 For the free literature offered on this program, write Herbert W. Armstrong, 00:28:08.779 --> 00:28:12.220 .... The preceding program and all literature were 00:28:12.220 --> 00:28:19.220 produced by the Worldwide Church of God. Please Note: The Address and Phone Number 00:28:30.759 --> 00:28:37.759 for the Worldwide Church of God is no longer valid, please visit www.hwalibrary.com for 00:28:38.210 --> 00:28:42.850 videos and literature produced by the Worldwide Church of God.