WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:05.500 --> 00:00:13.110 Where are we right now in world happenings? You read the news daily, you listen to it 00:00:13.110 --> 00:00:21.200 on news casts, you read it in your newspapers but where are we right now and what is going 00:00:21.200 --> 00:00:26.700 to happen next as the world turns in world events. 00:00:30.700 --> 00:00:41.989 The World Tomorrow, the Worldwide Church of God presents Herbert W Armstrong... Internationally 00:00:41.989 --> 00:00:50.499 recognized Ambassador for world peace... Visiting prominent leaders around the globe... discussing 00:00:50.499 --> 00:01:03.000 the cause of world problems... and proclaiming the good news of the world tomorrow... 00:01:03.000 --> 00:01:13.620 ladies and gentlemen Herbert W Armstrong. Very few people realize that the Holy Bible 00:01:13.620 --> 00:01:20.610 devotes about one-third of all of its space to biblical prophecy of things that are going 00:01:20.610 --> 00:01:27.010 to happen in the future from here on. Perhaps ten percent of prophecy is already 00:01:27.010 --> 00:01:33.250 happened, has already occurred but about ninety-percent of all prophecy in the Bible is devoted to 00:01:33.250 --> 00:01:38.920 things in the world today and things that are soon going to happen and yet if you go 00:01:38.920 --> 00:01:48.070 to church and you here sermons or if you listen to religious telecast or broadcasts. You don't 00:01:48.070 --> 00:01:54.180 hear much about that. You don't hear anything about the news of the world and the prophecies 00:01:54.180 --> 00:01:57.470 of the Bible. About one-third of the Bible is devoted to 00:01:57.470 --> 00:02:06.060 history going back to the beginning of mankind and how human life has developed. 00:02:06.060 --> 00:02:15.239 I have mentioned how months ago now the atomic scientists came out setting the Doomsday Clock 00:02:15.239 --> 00:02:24.849 one more minute forward from four to only three minutes now to midnight and midnight 00:02:24.849 --> 00:02:29.200 is the end of this world or civilization as we know it. 00:02:29.200 --> 00:02:37.010 There's a great deal of talk here and there although people try to get it out of their 00:02:37.010 --> 00:02:44.700 minds about nuclear warfare and what will happen. The weapons of mass destruction have 00:02:44.700 --> 00:02:52.209 now come to the place and been produced that can absolutely wipe human life completely 00:02:52.209 --> 00:02:57.840 off of this earth. Erase human life completely and there won't be a man; woman or child left 00:02:57.840 --> 00:03:04.290 alive on the earth and that is the thing that is the biggest problem of all facing mankind 00:03:04.290 --> 00:03:14.680 today. The number one problem in the world today is that of human survival. 00:03:14.680 --> 00:03:19.790 Now it's all recorded in the Bible about a third of the Bible is devoted to doctrine 00:03:19.790 --> 00:03:27.819 and to teaching to telling us the purpose of life. The way we should live and all of 00:03:27.819 --> 00:03:33.129 that sort of thing but if you attend church you never hear the other two-thirds of the 00:03:33.129 --> 00:03:39.730 Bible about the history of what has happened all through these years. The history of nations, 00:03:39.730 --> 00:03:46.719 of empires and of the prophecies of what is going to happen and yet about two-thirds of 00:03:46.719 --> 00:03:52.849 all the Bible is devoted to those two subjects of history and prophecy which is history written 00:03:52.849 --> 00:03:59.459 before it happens history of the future. Well now looking into the Bible where are 00:03:59.459 --> 00:04:04.099 we right now? One of the greatest prophecies in the Bible 00:04:04.099 --> 00:04:10.150 is recorded in Matthew 24:3 and that's the prophecy of Jesus and beginning with verse 00:04:10.150 --> 00:04:16.590 three in Matthew twenty-four; "as Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, his disciples" and 00:04:16.590 --> 00:04:23.889 there were four of them actually "who came unto Him privately asking Him when shall these 00:04:23.889 --> 00:04:29.020 things be?..." Now the things they referred to He'd just been talking to them about the 00:04:29.020 --> 00:04:36.280 buildings of the temple and telling them that the temple was going to be destroyed. Totally 00:04:36.280 --> 00:04:42.150 destroyed till one stone would not be left upon another and they said, "tell us when 00:04:42.150 --> 00:04:49.090 shall these things be?..." He had said that the temple would be destroyed in their time, 00:04:49.090 --> 00:04:56.400 many would come preaching another gospel and they did and saying that Jesus was the Christ. 00:04:56.400 --> 00:05:02.379 Preaching about Jesus but not preaching His gospel and He said to be not deceived but 00:05:02.379 --> 00:05:09.199 they were deceived, many of them and the world as a whole was deceived at that time. 00:05:09.199 --> 00:05:13.490 Then they asked another question which they thought would happen at the same time which 00:05:13.490 --> 00:05:18.729 actually hasn't happened yet and was to happen more than nineteen hundred years later. "...And 00:05:18.729 --> 00:05:25.330 what shall be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world?...", the end of this 00:05:25.330 --> 00:05:32.830 civilization as we know it. Jesus answered, this gospel, of the Kingdom that is the gospel 00:05:32.830 --> 00:05:40.819 He preached, was not preached for nineteen hundred years after Christ was crucified and 00:05:40.819 --> 00:05:46.409 went to heaven. Inside of about twenty or twenty-two years 00:05:46.409 --> 00:05:55.470 after Christ went to heaven, after His crucifixion, after His death and resurrection that gospel 00:05:55.470 --> 00:06:03.770 that He preached was replaced with the gospel of men, about Christ. They merely preached 00:06:03.770 --> 00:06:11.520 a message about Him and so the gospel today seems to be trying to tell people about Jesus, 00:06:11.520 --> 00:06:17.840 about Christ. But the message that Christ brought from God. The message of Christ Himself, 00:06:17.840 --> 00:06:23.520 the gospel of Christ they let alone and they don't tell you. 00:06:23.520 --> 00:06:30.349 Now He Himself said, when this gospel He preached, "the gospel of the kingdom of God is preached 00:06:30.349 --> 00:06:36.310 in all the world for a witness unto all nations" then He said would come to the end of this 00:06:36.310 --> 00:06:42.389 world. So what are you listening to right now is the sign which Jesus Christ Himself 00:06:42.389 --> 00:06:48.330 gave of being new the end of this civilization as we know it. 00:06:48.330 --> 00:06:54.759 And it is remarkable that during the time of this program as I say during the last fifty 00:06:54.759 --> 00:07:02.650 years, that the weapons of mass destruction have finally been brought into existence, 00:07:02.650 --> 00:07:11.060 atomic and nuclear warfare, the hydrogen bomb that can absolutely whip out all human life 00:07:11.060 --> 00:07:18.139 off the face of this earth. We've come to the time when humanity can be destroyed and 00:07:18.139 --> 00:07:23.759 it was during the time when this very program has been proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom 00:07:23.759 --> 00:07:27.330 of God. And I don't know of any other program proclaiming 00:07:27.330 --> 00:07:34.479 that gospel and if you do I wish you would write and tell me. I would like to know. I 00:07:34.479 --> 00:07:39.110 don't think it's possible that some other program is proclaiming it and it hadn't come 00:07:39.110 --> 00:07:44.340 to my attention. But then after this now dropping down now 00:07:44.340 --> 00:07:51.289 to the 21st verse Jesus said, "...for then" after this gospel of the kingdom is proclaimed, 00:07:51.289 --> 00:07:57.060 which you are hearing in your ears this moment, "then shall be great tribulation..." That 00:07:57.060 --> 00:08:02.830 is a time of world trouble. Just trouble in the world and it seems like there has never 00:08:02.830 --> 00:08:07.650 been trouble such as we're in today. It's going to get worse. We're not in the time 00:08:07.650 --> 00:08:13.919 quit here to describe as yet. We're coming into it. We're at the rumblings at the beginning 00:08:13.919 --> 00:08:19.770 of it now. "Then shall be great tribulation such as was 00:08:19.770 --> 00:08:26.999 not from the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be." (22) "And except 00:08:26.999 --> 00:08:32.310 those days should be shortened", the days of this trouble, "there should no flesh be 00:08:32.310 --> 00:08:38.930 saved alive." Not a human being would be left alive but for the elects sake those days shall 00:08:38.930 --> 00:08:46.870 be shortened. For the elects sake those are the real elect in God's church. 00:08:46.870 --> 00:08:52.240 And people have lost sight of the real true church of God and where it exists today. But 00:08:52.240 --> 00:09:00.910 for their sake, those in the true church of God, God will intervene and will stop the 00:09:00.910 --> 00:09:10.459 hellish mess of the nuclear world war III that is almost upon us now before it does 00:09:10.459 --> 00:09:15.100 completely annihilate all human life off the face of this planet. 00:09:15.100 --> 00:09:21.029 But I'm here to tell you that Bible prophesies says millions upon millions are going to be 00:09:21.029 --> 00:09:26.910 killed and are going to die in the trouble that is soon coming. And I can't tell you 00:09:26.910 --> 00:09:31.790 if that trouble is going to come in the next one or two years, or the next three or four 00:09:31.790 --> 00:09:36.690 or five years but it is very very near at this present time. 00:09:36.690 --> 00:09:40.570 Now I want to give you some more of those prophecies. 00:09:40.570 --> 00:09:47.589 I would like to have you notice beginning with verse 29 of that same prophecy now, "Immediately 00:09:47.589 --> 00:09:53.510 after the tribulation of those days...", now God is going to cut them short by super natural 00:09:53.510 --> 00:10:01.120 intervention, super natural intervention from the power of God Himself. 00:10:01.120 --> 00:10:05.420 You know it's a question today you ask people, do you believe in God? And a lot of people 00:10:05.420 --> 00:10:12.540 say oh yes I believe in God, but actually do they? Any idea that most people have of 00:10:12.540 --> 00:10:18.880 God is so very very vague. God is not real to people. Do you think of God as one person? 00:10:18.880 --> 00:10:24.500 Do you think of God as a trinity as three persons? Let me tell you the Bible says God 00:10:24.500 --> 00:10:30.310 is neither. But I won't go further into that just now. 00:10:30.310 --> 00:10:37.300 Now "immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the 00:10:37.300 --> 00:10:45.380 moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven..." In other words 00:10:45.380 --> 00:10:52.560 up in the sky there will be super natural signs. This is the intervention of God almighty. 00:10:52.560 --> 00:10:57.430 This is not something men will be doing. This is not something the nations and their military 00:10:57.430 --> 00:11:03.130 forces will be doing. This is something God is going to do to intervene and stop men from 00:11:03.130 --> 00:11:09.440 slaughtering one another. And He is going to bring this world peace believe it or not. 00:11:09.440 --> 00:11:15.649 I have good news for you beyond all of this. Humans are going to go through this terrible 00:11:15.649 --> 00:11:20.570 time. They're going to learn a lesson. We're only having trouble and problems that seem 00:11:20.570 --> 00:11:27.310 unsolvable in the world today because we're not living according to God's way of life. 00:11:27.310 --> 00:11:32.110 God's way of life is simple summed up in the one word "Love" and it is love to God and 00:11:32.110 --> 00:11:38.279 people have very little love for God today and love to fellow human beings. That is to 00:11:38.279 --> 00:11:45.250 have a much regard for the good and the welfare of other people as you do for your own self. 00:11:45.250 --> 00:11:51.269 Very few people have that kind of love today. Everyone is concerned for himself. It's always 00:11:51.269 --> 00:11:58.230 me first. I want to get mine. Everyone is doing his own thing today. Leaning to their 00:11:58.230 --> 00:12:04.459 own understanding as the Bible puts it. "And then", when this all happens, those signs 00:12:04.459 --> 00:12:10.310 appear up in the sky "shall appear the sign of the son of man" and that is what Jesus 00:12:10.310 --> 00:12:15.769 called himself, "the son of man, in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth 00:12:15.769 --> 00:12:23.470 mourn and they shall see", that is the nations of the earth "will see the Son of man coming 00:12:23.470 --> 00:12:30.750 in the clouds of heaven in power and great glory." and He's coming and this you don't 00:12:30.750 --> 00:12:36.449 hear preached very much in churches today. Christ is coming back to this earth to rule 00:12:36.449 --> 00:12:41.940 all the nations of this world. Now I want to read you a little prophecy back 00:12:41.940 --> 00:12:53.130 in Joel 2:31, it says: "The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood..." 00:12:53.130 --> 00:12:58.490 Now I just read that just after this great tribulation, that will happen, the signs in 00:12:58.490 --> 00:13:05.690 the heavens and that will happen before the great and terrible day of the Lord come. 00:13:05.690 --> 00:13:10.649 You know we've been for 6,000 years in the day of man but actually in the day of Satan 00:13:10.649 --> 00:13:16.149 the devil. Satan the devil has kidnapped this world and the world doesn't realize that it's 00:13:16.149 --> 00:13:21.670 been kidnapped and loves the way of the kidnapper more than the way of its potential father 00:13:21.670 --> 00:13:26.860 who is God. And the world has been going the way of its kidnapper ever since. 00:13:26.860 --> 00:13:32.310 But now notice, "the sun and the moon are to be darkened and these signs will be seen 00:13:32.310 --> 00:13:37.550 up in the sky to end all of the trouble that is coming on the world but that will happen 00:13:37.550 --> 00:13:43.699 before the great and terrible day of the Lord come". And God is going to punish the world 00:13:43.699 --> 00:13:49.250 for its sin to wake the world up and bring it out of its sins because sin is the transgression 00:13:49.250 --> 00:13:56.050 of God's law and God's law is God's way of life. That's the way of love so we can have 00:13:56.050 --> 00:14:00.610 peace and if we live that way we would have peace and we wouldn't have troubles on the 00:14:00.610 --> 00:14:06.829 earth. We wouldn't have our problems and our trials that seem unsolvable. If we only lived 00:14:06.829 --> 00:14:13.009 the way God says we should live and He's going to punish this world but it will be after 00:14:13.009 --> 00:14:18.949 the world brings its own troubles on its self through the great tribulation. 00:14:18.949 --> 00:14:26.100 Now first is going to come the great tribulation then will come the signs in the heavens according 00:14:26.100 --> 00:14:33.279 to Joel 2:31. And then will come the day of the Lord and that is the day when God is going 00:14:33.279 --> 00:14:39.459 to intervene and God is going to begin to send to govern the world, He will send Jesus 00:14:39.459 --> 00:14:45.839 Christ who was here over 1900 years ago in the human flesh. But Jesus Christ said if 00:14:45.839 --> 00:14:52.149 I go to heaven, which He did, He said He would come again and He's coming again as the King 00:14:52.149 --> 00:14:58.160 of kings and the Lord of lords to rule over the United States to rule over the British 00:14:58.160 --> 00:15:07.639 nations to rule over Canada, over Japan, over Russia, over China, over France, Germany all 00:15:07.639 --> 00:15:15.440 the nations of the world and our present governments by men and politicians is going to be banished. 00:15:15.440 --> 00:15:21.670 Why don't you hear things like that preached? That's what your Bible is all about. And the 00:15:21.670 --> 00:15:28.029 Bible is the word of God which God sent a message from God almighty and ministers of 00:15:28.029 --> 00:15:33.540 the gospel ought to be preaching it. Gospel means good news and Jesus came with a gospel 00:15:33.540 --> 00:15:38.540 which is good news and it's about these things I'm giving you some of that good news on this 00:15:38.540 --> 00:15:42.709 program. Now in 11th chapter of Daniel is the longest 00:15:42.709 --> 00:15:48.730 prophecy in the Bible and in verse 40 of chapter 11 (Daniel 11:40), it begins; "And at the 00:15:48.730 --> 00:15:55.629 time of the end..." and that's the time we're in now. Then it continues on in the 12th chapter 00:15:55.629 --> 00:16:02.339 which is continued and uninterrupted; "And at that time in the time" of the end I've 00:16:02.339 --> 00:16:08.279 been reading you prophecies about the time of the end. "At that time shall Michael stand 00:16:08.279 --> 00:16:14.970 up, the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people." Michael is a great 00:16:14.970 --> 00:16:23.949 arc Angel a cherub when Michael stands up there be a time of trouble such as never was 00:16:23.949 --> 00:16:27.519 since there was a beginning of the world up to that time. 00:16:27.519 --> 00:16:33.069 Now here's the same time of trouble I just read to you in Matthew 24 in the prophecy 00:16:33.069 --> 00:16:38.660 of Jesus there can't be two times of trouble of the greatest that ever happened "...And 00:16:38.660 --> 00:16:46.209 at that time, Thy, God's people shall be delivered everyone that is found written in the book." 00:16:46.209 --> 00:16:52.589 Now what time is that? "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake 00:16:52.589 --> 00:17:01.250 in a time of resurrection some to everlasting life" some are going to be resurrected to 00:17:01.250 --> 00:17:05.569 everlasting life at the second coming of Jesus Christ. 00:17:05.569 --> 00:17:11.459 Now then we go right on from that into the 12th chapter of Revelation where you find 00:17:11.459 --> 00:17:20.150 the same thing is mentioned again. "There was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought 00:17:20.150 --> 00:17:24.789 against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels." 00:17:24.789 --> 00:17:30.740 Now the dragon is Satan the devil and his angels are demons; "And prevailed not", that 00:17:30.740 --> 00:17:36.440 the devil and the demons did not prevail "neither was there place found anymore in heaven." 00:17:36.440 --> 00:17:44.080 Now that is something to happen about our time now or very, very, very soon; "And the 00:17:44.080 --> 00:17:49.140 great dragon was cast out", now who was he? It tells you right here who he was, "that 00:17:49.140 --> 00:17:58.039 old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world:..." 00:17:58.039 --> 00:18:03.440 Did you ever stop to think that means you yourself have been deceived? That means me 00:18:03.440 --> 00:18:09.390 too, I was deceived. But God has opened up the Bible to me and has undeceived me and 00:18:09.390 --> 00:18:15.610 I see the truth now but I was deceived. You don't need to remain deceived but you have 00:18:15.610 --> 00:18:21.530 been, you who are looking at me and listening just now. You have been deceived everybody 00:18:21.530 --> 00:18:26.610 on earth has been deceived except Jesus Christ when he was here. 00:18:26.610 --> 00:18:33.740 "That great dragon was cast out of heaven." Now "that old serpent which is the devil and 00:18:33.740 --> 00:18:42.539 Satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels [or 00:18:42.539 --> 00:18:47.059 demons] were cast out with him." The world doesn't seem to know that Jesus 00:18:47.059 --> 00:18:53.330 was born to be a King ruling all the nations of the world. 00:18:53.330 --> 00:18:59.419 In the ninth chapter of Isaiah verses 6 and 7 (Isaiah 9:6-7), I won't take time to read 00:18:59.419 --> 00:19:07.200 it but it says that He would be born as a baby, as Christ was and He would grow up but 00:19:07.200 --> 00:19:14.200 He was to become a King and His name would be called and Emmanuel which means, "God with 00:19:14.200 --> 00:19:21.429 us" in the human flesh and He did come with a message about the kingdom of God and the 00:19:21.429 --> 00:19:27.400 kingdom of God is at the time of the government when Christ will be the King and the prophecy 00:19:27.400 --> 00:19:33.559 is that He would come to rule and reign over all nations and that was proclaimed to Mary 00:19:33.559 --> 00:19:40.840 just before Jesus was born. Now Jesus said in the 14th chapter of John 00:19:40.840 --> 00:19:47.150 in the New Testament and verse 3 (John 14:3); that He would be going to heaven and He did 00:19:47.150 --> 00:19:52.520 after He was crucified and resurrected and He said if He went to heaven He would come 00:19:52.520 --> 00:19:57.940 again and when He comes again He's coming as the King of kings and the Lord of lords 00:19:57.940 --> 00:20:02.890 to rule over all the nations of this earth (Rev. 11:15). 00:20:02.890 --> 00:20:09.690 Why don't you hear that preached in the churches and you don't realize that the earth is almost 00:20:09.690 --> 00:20:15.100 on fire and the terrible thing is going to come on us but after that people are going 00:20:15.100 --> 00:20:20.690 to learn their lesson God is going to intervene and then He's going to bring His peace and 00:20:20.690 --> 00:20:27.659 prosperity and immortality and eternal life and all of the good things that we could ever 00:20:27.659 --> 00:20:32.690 hope for. Jesus said in John 14 (John 14:3) that He 00:20:32.690 --> 00:20:38.840 would come again and the church He would receive to Himself and when He comes again they will 00:20:38.840 --> 00:20:46.529 be with Him right here on earth where He is. He is going to rule all nations and there's 00:20:46.529 --> 00:20:55.270 going to be an end of all of the satanic trouble that we have been in. Selfishness is the root 00:20:55.270 --> 00:21:03.350 of all of it. People are ignoring the laws of God. God's law is the law of love of loving 00:21:03.350 --> 00:21:11.919 one another instead of selfishness, instead of competition, instead of vanity, instead 00:21:11.919 --> 00:21:17.990 of having malice of jealousy and envy toward other people. Always getting, wanting, trying 00:21:17.990 --> 00:21:23.190 to get the best of everyone else, trying to get the best of every bargain, trying to take 00:21:23.190 --> 00:21:27.669 away from others. Now when Christ does come again let me read 00:21:27.669 --> 00:21:32.419 you what finally is going to happen it's in Isaiah the 2nd chapter beginning with verse 00:21:32.419 --> 00:21:41.240 2 (Isaiah 2:2); "it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's 00:21:41.240 --> 00:21:44.980 house shall be established at the top of the mountains." 00:21:44.980 --> 00:21:50.940 Now here it is speaking symbolically and mountain is merely used in symbolic language to represent 00:21:50.940 --> 00:21:58.049 nations. The mountains are the great nations like the United States, and like Britain, 00:21:58.049 --> 00:22:03.320 and like Russia, and like Japan, and China and nations like that. 00:22:03.320 --> 00:22:09.600 "...The mountain of the Lord's house" that'll be the kingdom of God, "shall be established 00:22:09.600 --> 00:22:14.919 in the top of the mountains" or of the great nations "and it shall be exalted above the 00:22:14.919 --> 00:22:24.090 hills" that is the smaller nations "and all nations shall flow unto it." (3) "And many 00:22:24.090 --> 00:22:33.500 people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and of 00:22:33.500 --> 00:22:39.279 the house of the God of Jacob and He will teach us of His ways..." That is the ways 00:22:39.279 --> 00:22:46.080 of love, the ways of loving one another and having concern for the good and the welfare 00:22:46.080 --> 00:22:51.750 of others instead of trying to take away from them and trying to be selfish "and He will 00:22:51.750 --> 00:22:59.220 teach us of His ways and we will walk in His paths for out of Zion [that's from Jerusalem] 00:22:59.220 --> 00:23:06.900 shall go forth the law [that's the law of God] and the word of the Eternal [or the Lord] 00:23:06.900 --> 00:23:15.440 shall go forth from Jerusalem (4) and He or God shall judge among many nations and shall 00:23:15.440 --> 00:23:22.279 rebuke many people and they shall beat their swords into plowshares" this is what is going 00:23:22.279 --> 00:23:26.880 to happen after Christ comes back to the earth again. "They shall beat their swords into 00:23:26.880 --> 00:23:34.650 plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks." Nations shall not lift up sword against nation 00:23:34.650 --> 00:23:41.539 neither shall they learn war any more..." but we will have world peace at that time 00:23:41.539 --> 00:23:47.190 and that is what is coming that is what is prophesied for us. 00:23:47.190 --> 00:23:53.960 I want to offer you a booklet on the condition of the world today. The world you live in 00:23:53.960 --> 00:24:01.779 it is A World Held Captive. A World Held Captive and loving the way of its captor which is 00:24:01.779 --> 00:24:08.690 Satan the devil more than its potential father which is God. A World Held Captive. You've 00:24:08.690 --> 00:24:14.110 never read a book like this. This is something right out of your Bible. 00:24:14.110 --> 00:24:20.070 You need to blow the dust off your Bible I've been saying that for the last 50 years and 00:24:20.070 --> 00:24:25.830 see the message of God the message that God sent for all mankind. 00:24:25.830 --> 00:24:31.270 This is a booklet that open your eyes you need to know about the world you've been born 00:24:31.270 --> 00:24:36.740 into the world you are living in and the kind of a world going to live on into that is going 00:24:36.740 --> 00:24:44.279 to happen the next 2, 3, 5, 10 years, because all these things I've been telling you on 00:24:44.279 --> 00:24:53.149 this program are going to happen in our lifetime. I may live that long and see it all myself. 00:24:53.149 --> 00:24:59.529 Now at the same time I would like to send you a year's subscription to the finest magazine 00:24:59.529 --> 00:25:05.480 in this world and it's one of the world's great mass circulation magazines one of the 00:25:05.480 --> 00:25:14.559 largest circulation magazines on earth "The Plain Truth". Over 7 million people have subscribed 00:25:14.559 --> 00:25:20.580 to it or pick it up at newsstands. It is talking about today's world news and 00:25:20.580 --> 00:25:27.500 it analyzes what you are getting on your newscasts and in newspapers and gives it from the light 00:25:27.500 --> 00:25:33.740 of biblical prophecy and where we are and what it all means giving you understanding 00:25:33.740 --> 00:25:39.510 of the events that are happening in your life and in the world in which you live today there 00:25:39.510 --> 00:25:44.789 is no magazine like it there never has been there is not today. 00:25:44.789 --> 00:25:51.399 Every issue has an editorial by me and the one here is, "Understanding the Way to Peace." 00:25:51.399 --> 00:25:57.549 Then here is an article, "The Election of the Decade." Here is an article, "The Colossus 00:25:57.549 --> 00:26:03.880 in the Making in Europe." A gigantic colossus that'll be greater than either the United 00:26:03.880 --> 00:26:09.960 States or the Soviet Union and it is being formed in Europe right now and you need to 00:26:09.960 --> 00:26:18.270 know about what is going on over there. Here is another article, "There is a Perfect Government," 00:26:18.270 --> 00:26:22.110 but you don't find it on the earth at the present time but there's going to be a perfect 00:26:22.110 --> 00:26:29.630 government. Here is another article, Four Great Qualities of Leadership," and so on. 00:26:29.630 --> 00:26:34.820 It's a magazine of understanding. A magazine that will give you understanding of world 00:26:34.820 --> 00:26:41.429 news and what is going on in the world today there is no magazine like it. 00:26:41.429 --> 00:26:49.110 Now that the request for money we don't follow it up begging for money we have nothing for 00:26:49.110 --> 00:26:56.770 sale. Now you just send your request to me Herbert W Armstrong at Pasadena California 00:26:56.770 --> 00:27:03.679 that's the only address you need. Just Herbert W Armstrong Pasadena California the ZIP Codes 00:27:03.679 --> 00:27:12.000 91123 or many people would rather just go to the telephone and get it immediately so 00:27:12.000 --> 00:27:27.919 go to the telephone and there's a free call. You dial 1-800-423-4444 that is 1-800-423-4444 00:27:27.919 --> 00:27:34.380 that's a free call just call and ask for the booklet and the Plain Truth if you're not 00:27:34.380 --> 00:27:40.240 already a subscriber to be sent to you as quickly as possible and so until next time 00:27:40.240 --> 00:27:48.740 this is Herbert W Armstrong goodbye friends. For the free literature offered on this program 00:27:48.740 --> 00:28:09.360 visit Herbert W Armstrong Library (www.hwalibrary.com). The Address and Phone Number for the Worldwide 00:28:09.360 --> 00:28:26.529 Church of God are no longer valid, please visit www.hwalibrary.com for all literature offered and produced by 00:28:26.529 --> 00:28:28.210 the Worldwide Church of God.