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What woman did David see bathing?

II Samuel 11:2
Failure? I'm Not a Failure!
Youth Magazine
February 1984
Volume: Vol. IV No. 2
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Failure? I'm Not a Failure!
Tom Delamater  

Thomas Edison said this after 25,000 futile attempts to design a storage battery. Here are some other examples showing that failing doesn't have to make you a failure. The news of the distinguished gentleman's death brought tears to the eyes of many people. Few who knew him had not been touched by his kindness or inspired by his leadership. Greatness was his legacy. Ironically, over his life time many people thought of him as a failure. By age 24 he had twice failed in business and had lost a political election. When at age 25 he won election to his state's legislature, it appeared that his life had taken a turn for the better.

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Youth MagazineFebruary 1984Vol. IV No. 2