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Name a bird imported by Solomon as an ornamental bird?

I Kings 10:22
Ideas Plus
Youth Magazine
December 1984
Volume: Vol. IV No. 10
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Ideas Plus
Youth Magazine Staff      |   Remove Highlight

Cheer Up a Sick Friend by Kerri Miles - Winter proof Your Pet by Maria Root - Find the Right Place to Save by Lowell Wagner Jr. - Proverbs for Today: Unexpected Encouragement by Mike Bennett: It isn't any fun to be sick or confined to bed because of an injury. One day of lying in bed and watching television is about all most people can take and then it's time to get going again. Having to stay in bed for days, weeks or even months can cause depression and loneliness. If you have any friends in a situation like this, why not try to ease their pain a little just by being a true friend? A young man who was involved in an accident at work received third-degree burns on his leg and ankle and had to miss three months of his last year of high school. During that time the only person to visit him was the tutor helping him to keep up with his schoolwork.

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Youth MagazineDecember 1984Vol. IV No. 10