Know The Answer?
Whom did Mary (the mother of Jesus) marry?

Matthew 1:16
Be Careful Out There
Youth Magazine
June-July 1985
Volume: Vol. V No. 6
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Be Careful Out There
Harlean Botha  

What would you do if you knew your younger sisters or brothers might be in danger? You need to know how to help keep them - and yourself - safe! What if it had been your sister? Debbie, 14, hadn't been happy at home, but it was a shock when she disappeared one night. Apparently she had packed a suitcase and crept from the house, thumbing a ride on the highway. Her parents' worry reached nightmare proportions when her suitcase was found tossed over the side of the highway. Vulnerable Debbie, kidnapped, perhaps raped, murdered! Then, nothing. For an entire year, there was no clue, not a word to indicate Debbie was still alive. Finally, a telephone call from across the country. Debbie was alive! Her message? "I'll be home as soon as I can work things out."

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Youth MagazineJune-July 1985Vol. V No. 6