The True Church Herbert W Armstrong - November 28, 1978 - 8W-22
Let me tell you, only one person has ever been born again - yet - and that is Jesus Christ. Now that is a stunner, and some of these things are so remarkable, because this world has been deceived. Your Bible says that all nations have been deceived. There is a devil that is smarter than all of us pu ...
Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel, but what gospel? Did you ever read it right there in your Bible? The gospel of the Kingdom of God, people say it is the gospel of Jesus Christ and they think that's a gospel about Christ. Today they are preaching a great deal around the world a message ...
People say I believe in God alright, but you don't believe what He says, here's what He says, I came to believe that. Now maybe I'm a little foolish, also if I am I'll be foolish, but I believe, not only in God, I believe God and I have found that very few; Adam and Eve didn't believe God, ...
But there was a newscaster who foretold this same thing before the modern scientists were ever born, or before they thought about it, and that was 1900 years ago, and that newscaster was Jesus Christ. And he came with a message, and the message that he brought was called his gospel. Now the word "go ...
Jesus Christ did not come on a soul saving crusade, let me repeat that, Jesus Christ did not come on a soul saving crusade. You cannot find in the pages of the Bible, in the New Testament, one place where Jesus Christ begged and talked and tried to talk someone into giving their heart to Him or into ...
Now that brings up the question, just what is a true real Christian? You know I, I don't think one person out of, I was going to say 1,000, I think I can say out of 100,000, I don't think one person out of 100,000 knows what a real Christian is. Millions are professing to be Christians today who ...
God is only drawing those that have been predestinated to be called now and their called for some special job, then the Church has been called for a special job, what is it? Most people in that Church don't know it; they don't know what they are called for. They think they're called to get, ge ...
God's Timetable Herbert W Armstrong - August 5, 1978 - 8W-15
When Christ comes the whole world is going to be called. They won't be cut off from God any longer. It won't be that God just calls those He wants for a special mission, but they're not going to qualify to sit with Christ on that Throne and we are. They won't have to overcome Satan and we do ...
Greetings everybody from Big Sandy, Texas and I want to continue on in this series that I have been going through the last several weeks on television. Why did Jesus Christ raise up the Church, what do we need a Church for and why didn't He just save individuals alone by themselves, why do we need ...
Now there are, well I think scientists don't know how many galaxies, but many, many galaxies and it is just so vast and so great that the human mind will hardly conceive it, but God is so great that He created everything, created all of that and He created it for a purpose and He created it to be ...
Well greetings everybody; why should there be such a thing as the Church, why did Jesus say I will build my Church and the gates of the grave will never prevail against it? God doesn't do things without a purpose, without a meaning, without a reason, but He did found the Church, why, what is its f ...
Well greetings everybody; once again I'm going to speak to you as no man has spoken in our time. Today we have nations and chaos, many at war, but in our present time, this world is going to erupt into peace. Today we face human extinction, survival is humanity's number one problem today, but to ...
Well greetings everybody; once again I'm going to speak to you as no man has spoken in our time. Today we have nations and chaos, many at war, but in our present time, this world is going to erupt into peace. Today we face human extinction, survival is humanity's number one problem today, but to ...
Instead of accepting the government of God, Adam rejected the government of God just as the angels had done, in effect in putting it in a modern language, in effect, Adam said to God, "God I want you to get your nose out of my affairs, I don't know what you're trying to get out of me, but I ...
We're in the living generation after all these hundreds and hundreds of years and even a few thousand years, when it's going to happen. That's why God is thundering this thing to the whole world, that's why He called me 51 years ago, in this world of darkness to take the light that is in God ...