One thing that can be said about Prophecy: Jn 13:19 After it comes to pass, we will know it happened. In studying Prophecy: 1. What is going to happen. 2. How it is going to happen. (becomes speculative) 3. When it is going to happen. (becomes even more so) Prophecy is deliberately "couched&quo ...
As a result of your repentance of your sins, which is the transgression of God's Holy and Righteous and Perfect Law, and your acceptance of Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, your Lord and Master, your High priest and soon coming King, I now baptize you, into the name of the Father and the Son ...
Genesis - "Beginning", Beginning of the world, recreation, the flood, Israel as a family. EXODUS - "Going Out", Shows the bondage of Israel in Egypt, their coming out of Egypt and God making an agreement with them. The redeeming of Israel. LEVITICUS - "The Priesthood Tribe of Levi", Gives instructio ...
Dividing the nations (Shem, Ham, Japheth) - Abraham - God's Covenant - Blessing of Tribes of Israel - Ten Commandments - My Sabbaths... a sign - Clean and Unclean Meats - Feast Days - Blessing and Cursing on Israel; four, seven - times punishment - Man's ways seem right, but lead to death. ...
Minister. The word used most in Greek is Strong's #1249, diakonos (the same word is translated "deacon" elsewhere). It means an attendant, a waiter at table or in other menial duties. The root word means to run errands. Ambassador for Christ, Fishers for men, Shepherd, Laborer, Overseer, ...
Biblically Clean and Unclean Meat (Lev. 11 and Deut. 14) A General List of Biblically Clean Meat: Antelope Bison Buffalo Caribou Cattle [Beef, Veal] Deer Reindeer Gazelle Giraffe Goat Hart Ibex Lamb Hogget Mutton Moose Ox Roebuck Sheep. A General List of Biblically Unclean Meat: Alligator Armadillo ...
Order of the Old Covenant & the New Covenant; The order that the books appear is important to understanding the events that occurred in the Bible. The incorrect order of the King James Version is deliberate to confuse the reader. They, the translators, were all Catholic all 54 of them. ...
A Chronological view of the events of the week of the Crucifixion brings the Church of God understanding of Christ's sacrifice into sharp focus. The Worldwide Church of God understands: That Jesus timed His final journey to Jerusalem to coincide with the Passover, knowing that He was the True Pass ...
Gen. 6:1-4 - Disprove: Angels married women and engendered a race of giants. Answer: This scripture does not say that angels married women. It states that the sons of God "took them wives of all which they chose" (verse 2). These sons of God were not angels. The fact is that angels cannot ...
One of the most astounding truths revealed in the Bible is that God is not trying to save all the world now! And yet, conversely, another one of the most encouraging and positive Bible truths is that all mankind shall have a chance for salvation. How can both these teachings be true? If God is not t ...
That's Incredible! was the name of a popular American television program. It specialized in showing the viewer unusual and spectacular - that is, incredible - stunts, people and events. This show dealt, of course, only in the physical phenomena. God's transcendent spiritual purpose for man can b ...
Which form of government is proper, for the Church? Incredible as it seems, while most thinking people have at least paused to ponder the merits of various civil governments, hardly anybody stops to notice the type of government in the church he or she attends, or to ask if it is indeed biblical. ...
The basketball coach was astounded! A player from his team had stolen the ball, but in his excitement he was headed toward the wrong basket! "You're going the wrong direction!" the coach shouted. "Stop! Turn around! Go the other way!" But to no avail. The player didn't listen ...
"I know that you are guilty of the crime," stated the governor, "but I believe that you are truly sorry and will not do it again. Therefore, I hereby pardon you and release you to society on your honor. You now have a new lease on life." The words of this governor perfectly illustrate the Bible doct ...