You know, what is conversation anyway, when are you converted, you know, why should young people want to be baptized? You know a lot of young people in past years, they get up to their Junior or Senior year in High School they begin to want to think about baptism, now why should anybody want to be b ...
As we look around in the world today, we find that there is a lot of effort that's made by people in marketing business to try to define various categories of people and they do incredible amounts of research, incredible amounts of opinion sampling and polling to try and identify all these various ...
What Is Sin? Herbert W Armstrong - December 5, 1981
Well, a crowd began to gather around us. And pretty soon another one of the young fellows, a half a block away, he came running over. He couldn't give me an answer. And then another one came, and he couldn't give an answer; and he ran and brought the evangelist himself there. And I said to the e ...
NBC News asked me, "Do you believe the world is going to end soon." I had to say, no I don't, and as a matter of fact, the gospel of Jesus Christ has nothing whatsoever to do with the end of the world. Oh now that's going to be like a cold shower to some people. Why thems fight'en words, didn+ ...
What Is The Gospel? Herbert W Armstrong - September 23, 1975 - Feast of Tabernacles
Well I just stopped by brethren this afternoon on my way back home on my latest trip around the world, I hadn't concluded the trip yet and by the way I stopped off also at six other Feast sites and I bring you greetings from all of the Feast sites on the Atlantic Coast and from Big Sandy, Texas an ...
When I came to the door this morning; "Are you wearing a new brown suit?" and I said, "No Fred, I finally got around to having one of my old black ones cleaned." So a. The other day Fred was sporting a new blazer [inaudible] for a compliment, so finally I reached up and felt the lapel on his coat an ...
Weakness is showing at every turn and people all over are beginning to revolt, in Bulgaria, Romania, Czechoslovakia, all those places, rumors of revolt, they're just ready, but we don't help them in that way we just want to appease Russia we're afraid we might offend Her - and eventually allow ...
Well greetings Brethren and a special hello to all of you from the brethren down in South Louisiana. I want to discuss today a subject that I think is a very fundamental subject and yet it's one that has been misunderstood by virtually all of the professing religions that claim to get their religi ...
Could you please tell me what it means to be an unworthy servant, or unprofitable servant? I know a woman very well, she is very much in the Church, thankful and trying hard, yet she was afraid that she wasn't growing enough, fast enough, or perhaps well enough. The scripture she had in mind was i ...
Good morning; for me this is the greatest feast that I have ever been to, my 20th one and for me it is the greatest ever. I'm sure many of you feel the same way, the spirit is here of God and I just don't feel much of the spirit of the devil here in this room; we're very thankful for that. We ...
Smiling faces out there. What can make you unhappy? You know psychiatrists believe that many things can affect our mood, to be happy, to be unhappy, to be distressed or to be calm. Psychiatrists in Ohio State, a doctor there said, "Take a look outside", you may take a look out that window there, he ...
Brethren, day before yesterday, in a matter of moments, the entire course of world history suddenly changed. The assassination of President Anwar Sadat of Egypt followed somewhat closely on the heels of the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan of the United States and Pope John Paul II ...
What do you want to be when you grow up? Now you might think, well I'll tune this guy out he's going to talk to the kids, not so. I'm going to talk to the kids yes, but I'm going talk to everybody who is here, who can hear my voice and understand what I am saying. Now when I put it that way ...
I wanted to take the time this morning to deal with a topic that, in a sense, developed from what I had given in the Long Beach Church. I want to address a question that most of us probably think we know the answers to, or the answer to, that you wouldn't disagree with, that I doubt you ever sat d ...
Well, how nice it is to see all of you and to realize what a large group we have here on God's Holy Day and everything has gone along quite well I realize that God has answered many prayers and no doubt quite pleased with what is being done here this morning and now what we're going to hear from ...