Mr. Portune named director, heads 50 coming campaigns - Directors hold conference - Vienna Symphony to open Auditorium - 103 brethren seen in India - The Official Grapevine - Fast-growing Indian Work shows promise for future - Over 20 million people affected in one of India's worst famines - Office serves growing numbers in Latin America - Letters tell of God's intervention - Jewish customs carry tradition of how the Sabbath unified Jews - Member portrays picture of East German growth - Member's 'old-time religion' to get test from Maryland zoning board - Campaign spawns merry matrimony - Curiosity and knowing nothing payoff for new Feast director - 96,000 prepare for Feast of Tabernacles - Yea r -round planning the keynote to organizing a smooth Festival - Local church news wrap-up - Churchwide songwriting contest winners announced - Mr. Armstrong visits Mexico City, dedicates new office to serve Work.
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