'PT' format to change in February - Head winds alter HWA itinerary - Budgetary retrenching overseas: Britain to become self-sufficient - A Personal Letter from Garner Ted Armstrong - Land abuse takes its toll - San Jose church takes purposeful plunge; they're up to their ears in scouting - Sri Lanka church small in numbers, reports few major problems - Member makes rustic willow rockers - Campaign music takes new format - A C sports ambitious schedule as Royals prepare for tough season - Churches can compete in teen tourney - Big Sandy goes intercollegiate; team doing better than expected - Hustle, bustle: Film crew tells its story - Blind vision: Haley launches optical comet - Student radio station KAC on the air - Local church news wrap-up - Ambassador instructor-coach featured in Pasadena 'Star-News' - What's life like in your area? All right, but...? - The Official Grapevine - World food: After rhetoric, then what?
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