Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong spoke to the Pasadena congregations from Jerusalem by telephone Nov. 1. His message is reprinted here for churches worldwide.
JERUSALEM — "This is Herbert W. Armstrong in Jerusalem. And over here it is now almost a quarter till 11 at night. I just came from a dinner hosted by Mayor Teddy Kollek and some of our fine old friends that have been friends of ours here for the last 12 years, and I've just come back here to our hotel suite in the Hilton Hotel, and I'll just give you a little rundown since last Sabbath in London. "Sunday [Oct. 26] we flew on over to Cairo and Monday night we had a large banquet. About 300 were present. It completely filled a big ballroom of the Hilton Hotel there. And I spoke to the large crowd. I was introduced by Dr. [Mohammed Abdel Kader] Hatem, who now is, well he's been the prime minister. He's a little higher than that now, as a private adviser and private assistant to President [Anwar El] Sadat. "Both he and Mr. [Stanley] Rader introduced me and then I spoke to them for — I don't know, I suppose 20 to 25 minutes — no, 30 or 35 minutes is more like it. And after our stay there we came on over to Jerusalem. I believe that must have been Wednesday, was it, or Thursday. "Wednesday we came over here to Jerusalem and some of our people are sort of sick to their stomachs. I think it was probably Cairo food, I don't know. And some of them have gone to bed tonight and especially Mrs. Armstrong. She went out to the dinner with us tonight. "It was nice to see our old friends from Jerusalem and renew acquaintances, reminiscent of the first time that we had a luncheon in the Knesset here, which is their national capitol. And when Moshe Kol (former Israeli minister of development and tourism) suggested we build that iron bridge between Ambassador College and Hebrew University, we built the bridge, it's still standing, we're still traveling back and forth on it. "And everybody is having a good time — everybody is happy. Of course 12 years ago on Dec. 1 we came over to give them our decision that we would go in with the big archaeological project here, and the former president (Zalmani Shazar), of course, is now dead, and there have been two more presidents since. Of course I know them both. "And the president of Israel was visiting with President Sadat while we were in Cairo. Because of his being there and because President Sadat wants to have quite a conference with me (we have our television crew along), it's all going to be photographed, and we're going to give President Sadat a cover story with his picture on the front cover of The Plain Truth and also on the front cover of Quest magazine. "And so we decided to come over here [to Jerusalem] and go back to Cairo later when Mr. Sadat will have more time and then we will have our meeting there. But we had the little meeting there tonight. "And yesterday we were down over part of the Old City and up on the Mount of Olives and showing some of our guests that have come along with us parts of Jerusalem with their first visit here. "Well, I won't speak to you much longer. It's late at night here. It's morning there, and you people will have to be getting out so that in due time they can get ready for the people for the afternoon service to commence. But I'm glad to say hello to all of you dear people there in Pasadena and everything is going well here. We've had a little bit of stomach trouble and diarrhea, one thing and another, but we're all generally well and getting over that kind of thing in just a day or so. "Everything is fine here, so I will say good night now and good morning to all of you and tell the afternoon people hello for me — maybe they can hear this recorded. "Bye-bye from Jerusalem."