Know The Answer?
What did the sailors do to Jonah to prevent their ship from sinking?
They threw Jonah overboard.

Jonah 1:15

Just one more thing: Living In The Fast LaneJust one more thing: Living In The Fast Lane

Most of us are living "in the fast lane." as the song goes. Our days flit by, as weeks dissolve into months, and before we know it, we are beginning a new year. It's a time when people around the world look back on the accomplishments of the past and set goals for the future. Self examination and goal setting are not limited to this time, but perhaps we can be motivated to slow down and take a long look at our priorities. A friend of mine did this by following a suggestion she read to fill one 8 1/2-by-11-inch page with goals she wished to accomplish in her lifetime. The page had to be completely covered, with no margins left blank.

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Publication Date: January 26, 1981