Teen Bible Study (Youth Magazine)
Teen Bible Study: Setting Goals for Success in Life!
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Teen Bible Study: Setting Goals for Success in Life!

   "No human need ever become a failure!" Editor-in-Chief Herbert W. Armstrong proves this in his booklet, The Seven Laws of Success, and shows how to be successful in life.
   This booklet is so valuable, you couldn't afford to buy it. But if you don't have a copy, you can't afford to be without it, so we'll give you one — free.
   Mr. Armstrong learned through many years of study and experience that there are definite laws that, if followed, will lead to true and lasting success in life.

U.S. President Ronald Reagan and former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill: These men set, and achieved, great goals part — of the first law that leads to success. — PDF for Picture
   What are these laws? How can we make them work for us? In this first of a series of studies on these laws of success, you will learn about the important first law and how to apply it in your life.
   But before beginning, be sure to get your Bible, a pen or pencil and some paper. Writing out the Bible verses that answer the questions will help you remember the important principles you'll be learning.
   1. Does God want us to have a successful and happy life? III John 2, John 10:10.
   Contrary to what some have assumed or been led to believe, God wants us to enjoy a productive, satisfying life! The question is, how do we go about experiencing this kind of life?
   2. Do prudent or wise men understand their way — where they are headed in life? Proverbs 14:8. Do they carefully plan for the future? Proverbs 4:26, 14:15.
   It is vitally important to know where you are headed — where you are going in life. And the key to this is setting meaningful and worthwhile goals. Only then will you be on your way to achieving true success!
   And so the first law of success is to have the right goal — the goal that will help you to achieve the purpose for your very existence! Only after having the right goal in mind can you then begin to work toward setting and achieving secondary goals.
   3. What did Jesus Christ say should be our most important goal in life? Matthew 6:33. And what is God's righteousness? Psalm 119:172.
   4. Did the patriarch Abraham pursue this supreme goal? Hebrews 11:10, 13-14, 16. Did he strive to be righteous? Genesis 26:5. Does Luke 13:28 show that Abraham will indeed be in God's Kingdom? Did the apostle Paul also strive to enter the Kingdom of God? Philippians 3:11-14, II Timothy 4:7-8.
   The first law is not merely choosing any goal — it is having and diligently pursuing the right goal. It is setting as one's life aim the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
   That goal — the purpose of your existence — as explained by Mr. Armstrong in "Keep Your Eyes on the Goal" (March-April Youth 83), "is that you be born of God, to share with Him the glory of creation, to inherit His divine nature, to be like Him — to do what He does, to accomplish what He accomplishes, enjoy what He enjoys — peace, happiness, joy, resplendent glory in life everlasting."
   This supreme goal sets the direction of your life's journey. That's why it's so important to set the right goal early in life to channel your life's ambitions into achieving it! Other lesser goals must then fit in with the one, main goal God wants all humanity to eventually achieve that of ultimately be coming members of His universe — ruling Family!
   Once we understand the true purpose for life, and make the attaining of it our primary goal, then we can begin to set secondary goals. These secondary goals fall into three distinct categories: long term, intermediate and short term.
Is there more to success than what billionaire Howard Hughes achieved monetarily or what Chris Evert Lloyd has been achieving in tennis? — See PDF for Picture
   Long-term goals include the plans and desires you hope to fulfill in five years or more. Such goals might include acquiring the education necessary for a career, becoming a successful homemaker, learning to play the piano or becoming an expert in some trade or profession.
   Intermediate goals are the goals you hope to achieve between the next six months to five years. Typical goals in this category would be improving your vocabulary and writing ability, traveling or learning to sew and cook.
   Short-term goals would include your plans for the next six months. Examples would be to maintain an A or B average in each class, to develop a more friendly and enthusiastic personality, to improve your speaking ability, to establish and maintain an exercise program or learn a new sport.
   Establish goals for school, work, sports, music and your social life. Then establish priorities for your goals. Place the most important things first, remembering that these secondary goals should contribute to the main goal in life discussed earlier.
   5. Will God help you to achieve your goals if you trust and obey Him? Psalm 37:4-5, 23, 31, Proverbs 3:5-6, 16:9. What important principle of life should we also apply in accomplishing our goals? Ecclesiastes 9:10.
   As you set your various goals, be sure to ask God to guide you and grant you the wisdom to crystalize your goals — to truly seek His will in doing what's best for you.
   6. When setting various goals, especially long term, is it wise to seek counsel and advice from others with experience and knowledge? Proverbs 11:14, 15:22.
   When selling major, lifetime goals such as deciding on a career, be sure to obtain advice from experts. They will be able to help you determine if your goals are realistic — if you have the aptitudes necessary to be successful in a particular field.
   7. Should one carefully "count the cost" to be sure he is able to achieve his ambitions? Luke 14:28-30.
   In setting secondary goals, be sure to use balance, moderation and common sense. Some of your ambitions may be premature, financially infeasible or beyond your ability to achieve.
   8. Once we establish practical, worthwhile goals for ourselves, they will help focus our attention and give us energy, direction and motivation in life. Did Jacob have a goal that inspired him to work hard? Genesis 29:18-20. Did his goal so impress and inspire him that seven years of work seemed like only a few days? Verse 20.
   The successful people of history had their eyes focused on a goal. The goal fired them with enthusiasm, energy and zeal. It motivated them to achieve.
   It is also important to review your goals often. As you get into the habit of reviewing your goals, you will find yourself acquiring the ability and the knowledge you need to reach them. Like a magnet, you will attract to yourself information, facts, concepts and ideas from your daily experiences and encounters with others. You'll start absorbing answers, tips and helps from lectures, conversations and general reading that would otherwise go unnoticed.
   Remember: The extent to which one succeeds in life is determined first of all by the goals he sets! Now is the time to begin applying this first great law of success. Life will take on exciting new meaning and purpose if you do!

Publication Date: July 1983
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Youth MagazineJuly 1983Vol. III No. 607, 1983