Teen Bible Study (Youth Magazine)
Teen Bible Study: Money Tips
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Teen Bible Study: Money Tips

   Money! Like most people, you are probably concerned about it.
   Do you have the money to buy the things you'd like to have and do the things you'd like to do?
   You may be surprised to learn that the Bible contains many tips and principles about money and its wise use. In this study, you'll learn about the most important ones. Following them will help you achieve some of your immediate goals, as well as help you enjoy success in the future.
   Before you begin this study, be sure to get a Bible, a pen or pencil and some paper. Reading and writing out the Bible verses that answer the questions asked in this study will help you to remember the important principles you will be learning.
   1. Is God the Creator of all things? John 1:1-3, Ephesians 3:9. Does He therefore own everything? Psalm 24:1, Deuteronomy 10:14. Does God want to share His great wealth with us? John 10:10, III John 2.
   God is the source of everything physical and spiritual. And God wants each of us to enjoy many of the good things in life.
   2. What will following the laws and principles God has revealed in the Bible lead to? Psalms 1:1-3, 112:1-3. What will God do for those who respectfully trust in Him? Psalms 34:8-10, 84:11-12.
   God promises to bless us materially if we seek to please Him wholeheartedly. He will intervene on our behalf and help us to prosper, provided we are doing our part.
   3. What important principles are revealed in Proverbs 24:27 and 18:15? Put in modern perspective, these two proverbs are saying that we should adequately prepare ourselves before taking on the responsibilities of a family.
   Many who marry while in their teens experience rough times financially. You probably know of such people. It is wise for young men to spend their teens and early 20s acquiring the education and marketable skills necessary for a successful career before establishing a home and family.
   Young women can be planning ahead by learning homemaking and other skills at school and at home. Knowing how to sew and cook nutritious meals can save a family a considerable amount of money.
   4. Is there a sure way to become poor? What is the result of excessive eating and drinking, as well as laziness? Proverbs 23:21, 24:30-34. And what about only wanting to have a good time? Proverbs 21:17.
   5. But what will be the reward of the diligent, hard worker? Proverbs 13:4, 12:24. How diligent should we be? Ecclesiastes 9:10.
   Diligent, hard work leads to material blessings. Build this habit now by wholeheartedly applying yourself in everything you do. Work hard while in school to master the subjects you are studying. And if you have a job, strive for quality and excellence, doing your work to the best of your ability. You will be laying a good foundation for future success!
   6. What principle can we learn from the ant? Proverbs 6:6-8, 30:24-25.
   Not only do ants illustrate the principle of diligence, they also show the importance of saving. They store up food for the future. You can follow their example by saving a certain amount of money each time you receive your paycheck or allowance. Spend this savings only when really necessary on things you've planned for, not on impulse as so many do today.
   Although budgeting is not specifically mentioned in the Bible, it is implied in the principle of saving up for the future. Budgeting is simply deciding in advance how you want to save and spend your money. Each time you receive a paycheck or your allowance, you can divide up your money into predetermined amounts for items you would like to buy, including a certain amount for entertainment. A budget will help you to be in complete control of your money!
   7. You have probably heard of various get-rich-quick schemes that promise a big return in a short period of time. Did Solomon warn against such schemes? Proverbs 28:19-20, 22.
   There are those who think that gambling or investing in schemes that promise a big return in a short period of time is the way to prosperity. But most usually end up losing their money because they don't realize the odds are stacked against them!
   8. Rather than wait and save up the cash to buy something, an easy way of borrowing the money is through the use of credit cards. But is this wise? Does the borrower in reality become servant to the lender? Proverbs 22:7.
   Beware of unwise and unnecessary debts! When you are in debt to others, they have power over you. Should economic hard times strike, indebtedness can be especially burdensome, since you are obligated to make the monthly payments whether you have an income or not!
   But we have yet to discuss the most important financial law. God promises certain blessings if we follow that law, and challenges us to prove whether or not He will keep His promise.

Do you have the money to buy the things you'd like to have? The Bible has many tips and principles about earning and using money. (Photo by Nathan Faulkner)
   9. Does God promise to bless us financially when we pay what is rightfully due Him? Malachi 3:10. Also notice Proverbs 3:9-10. Is one actually stealing from God when he does not pay Him His tithe? Malachi 3:8-9.
   God is the Creator and Owner of all things, including all of humanity. And He allows us to produce various products from His earth, and to raise the food we eat. In return God expects us to give Him only 10 percent (that's what tithe means) of what we produce or earn, all of which ultimately comes from Him.
   Since we cannot pay God's tithe to Him personally, we are to pay it to His chosen representative on earth, whom we have proven to be faithfully proclaiming His truth to the world (Matthew 28:19-20).
   10. Should we be careful not to work just for money — to make the accumulation of wealth our main goal in life? Proverbs 15:27, 23:4-5, Luke 12:15. What is of much greater value than money? Proverbs 3:13-18, 16:16, 22:1, Psalm 119:72, Matthew 6:19-21. What does Jesus Christ promise us if we seek the true riches? Matthew 6:33.
   Some make prosperity their No. 1 goal in life. They believe that a lot of money is the way to happiness. But money alone will not make you happy nor will it solve every problem you'll face now or as an adult.
   Jesus taught that following God's way of life should be our main goal. The strong family ties, good friends and sound personal character that result are far more important than a lot of money, and will give you more satisfaction and enjoyment in the long run than the material things you can buy!
   11. What important principle did Jesus reveal about wisely handling the relatively limited resources and responsibilities we all have in life? Luke 16:10. Also notice Proverbs 28:20, first part.
   How we handle our money says a lot about our character. Wisely manage the small amount of money you have now and you will be developing habits that will enable you to handle more in the future.
   Why not start applying the principles outlined in this study? You'll find they really work. Begin building good money management habits that will last a lifetime!
   (For additional tips on how to wisely handle your money, be sure to read our free booklet, Managing Your Personal Finances.)

Publication Date: January 1985
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Youth MagazineJanuary 1985Vol. V No. 101, 1985