When I first started visiting in Canada, I was working as an area coordinator in Canada, or we call ourselves former area coordinators. It's a long story, and we were working there and I went around to the various churches. Of course, the Canadian people are often quite reserved. They're very courteous and very friendly people, and they're not the sort of people who just sort of jump on top of you and ask all kinds of questions. The first time I went to the churches, I always tried to visit the church because it was the minister and his wife. And then I tried to get together with some of the Deacons and Elders in the area. We'd sit down, and I tried to have a social function. The first time we talked, it was, Oh, how do you do?" Shake hands. My name is... I work at... Oh, that's nice. And where are you from? And how long you live here?
Transcript of this Sermon coming.