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Who was the most zealous apostle?

Acts 22:3
Six Points To Get The Feeling Back
Michael V Swagerty  

Feast of Tabernacles

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You know, at the Feast of Tabernacles, I think probably every minister, before he has an opportunity to speak, kind of sits down and agonizes and says, "What shall I speak about? What might be helpful at the Feast of Tabernacles to give people some encouragement and uplift, to help them go home with something they can use during the coming year, and to help them be a more stable part of God's work in the Church we've all been called to be a part of." During my sabbatical last year, I was in Pasadena. I had the opportunity to sit down and have many hours of conversation with ministers in God's church from the South, the North, the East, the West, from Australia, from Canada, from every almost conceivable place on the globe. And every individual I talked with brought up the fact that they felt their people were suffering from one problem which seemed to be more present than any other, and that is what we have nicknamed in the Church of God, the "1975 Syndrome."

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: 1977