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Who is known as the Lion of Judah?

Revelation 5:5
Passover Preparation
Harold Way  


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Very happy Sabbath and good afternoon to each of you. Brethren as it has been mentioned, Passover is only a few days away and God desirers that we come to the Passover in the right attitude, in the right frame of mind and with the right approach to what is actually taking place. Now there may be times when we allow Passover to arrive in a rush you might say with a last minute flurry of activities because that is the way that we are acclimated to this society in which we find ourselves as we scurrying about trying to get the house clean before Unleavened Bread and we dash in to the meeting room for Passover service and we sit down and in reality we have not preformed thoughtful preparation in thinking and asking ourselves, what is this ceremony that I am going through, what does it commemoration, what did actually occur some 2000 years ago?...

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: March 4, 2009