We thought we had it all figured out. Everything fit together perfectly, even things like: In 637 A.D. a wooden building was set up by the Arabs over the location of Solomon's Temple later. 637 + 1290 = 1927 when Mr. Armstrong was converted. 657 + 1335 = 1972 when the Church would flee. Also Mr. Armstrong would be 80 years old when he led the Church to the Place of Safety, just as Moses was at the Exodus. So far God has brought to pass the meaning of the Holyday on that day, I.E., Passover & Pentecost, so wouldn't he do the same on Trumpets & Atonement. All of the above was and is speculation. We won't know for sure until it happens, for "of that day and hour knows no one, no, not the Angels of Heaven, but My Father only" - Matthew 24:36. Luke 21:16 admonishes us: "watch ye therefore, and pray always, in order that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the son of man.