Scholars have sweated for millennia trying to figure out the chronology of this period. Many times the numbers given in scripture don't seem to fit till you see that they used different ways of reckoning reigns at different times. God provided at least one Prophet to warn each King but most "did evil" anyway, and as went the King, so went the nation. The lives of these Kings are full of examples for us, good as well as bad. Notice that there are just 3 1/2 centuries from the separation of Israel and Judah in 971 B.C. till Israel was beseiged by the Assyrians in 721 B.C., beginning Israel's prophesied "7 Times" punishment (Lev. 26) lasting 2520 years till 1800 when America got going.
971 to 718 B.C. - Judah - Rehoboam 17 - Abijam 3 - ASA 41 - Jehoshaphat 25 - Jehoram 13 - Jehoram - Ahaziah 2 - Athaliah 7 - Jehoash 40 - Amaziah 29 - Uzziak - Azariah, Uzziah 52 - Jotham 16 - Ahaz 16 - Hezekiah - Israel - Jeraboam 22 - Nadab 2 - Baasha 24 - Elah 2 - Zimri - Tibni 4 - Omri 12 - Ahab 22 - Ahaziah 2 - Jehoran 12 - Jehoram - Jehu 28 - Jehoahaz 17 - I Kings 13:10 Margin - Jehoash 6 - I Kings 15:1 Margin - Jeraboam II 41 - Interregnum - Zechariah 1 - Shallum - Menahem 10 - Pekahiah 2 - Pekah 20 - Interregnum - Hoshea 9 - The 36 years of II Chron. 16:1 - A Temple Plundered - Dynasty 1 Reigns in Shechem - Peace II Chron. 14:1 - Dynasty 2 reigns in Tirzah - Jehu the Prophet - The 42 years of II Chron. 22:2 - Israel's capitol hereafter in Samaria - Dynasties 3, 4, 5 - 3 warless years I Kings 22:1 - Dynasty 6 - Elisha the Prophet - Jonah the Prophet - Hosea - Amos - Isaiah - 7th & 8th Dynasties - Micah the Prophets - Ninth Dynasty - 65 years of Isa. 7:8 - Tenth Dynasty - Seige of Samaria.