Through the Babylonian Mysteries, Satan distorted the Truth about the Godhead and the Holy Spirit as spoken of in the first chapter of Genesis. He distorted the facts concerning himself, and Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Was he going to turn Noah and his experiences also to his benefit after the flood? We will see that he did just this, in making the forgiveness of past sins a mechanical process through a counterfeit baptism. Some churches consider water baptism so important that unless an infant is baptized, it cannot "go to heaven" (Bishop Hay's Sincere Christian, vol. i, p. 363). Says Hislop in The Two Babylons: "The doctrine of Rome is that ALL WHO ARE CANONICALLY BAPTIZED, HOWEVER IGNORANT, HOWEVER IMMORAL, if they only give implicit faith to the church, and surrender their consciences to the priests, ARE AS MUCH REGENERATED AS EVER THEY CAN BE... . This doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration also is essentially Babylonian... . Hindoos who have never opened their ears to Christian instruction are as familiar with the term and idea as ourselves" (p. 132). The BRAHMINS in India make it their distinguishing boast that they are "twice born" men, and that as such they are sure of eternal happiness. Among the ancestors of the people of Mexico, Scandinavia, and other countries the same practice was followed (Asiatic Researchers, vol. vii, p. 271). "In certain sacred rites of the heathen," referring to the worship of Isis (the Egyptian goddess corresponding to Semiramis), and Mithra (the Greek god corresponding to Nimrod as Mediator), "the mode of initiation is by baptism" (Tertullian's De Baptismo, vol. i, p. 1204). The term "initiation" clearly shows that it was the Mysteries of these divinities to which he referred. How did it come about that the Babylonians themselves adopted such a doctrine of regeneration by baptism? The Babylonian Mysteries of Semiramis, as usual, give the answer. In these mysteries, the commemoration of the flood, the ark, and the grand events in the life of Noah, were mingled with the worship of the "Queen of Heaven" (Semiramis) and her son-husband Nimrod and her illegitimate son Horus (the "resurrected" Nimrod). Noah, having lived in two worlds — both before and after the flood — was called "Diphues" or "twice-born." He was represented as a god with two heads looking in opposite directions, the one old and the other young (Bryant's Mythology, vol. i, pp. 84, 319). Semiramis saw it was necessary to identify her dead husband Nimrod with the great patriarch Noah who was the father of all. In this way he would thus become the Supreme One, the Father of all the deified "mighty ones." He would obtain the authority and respect essential to constitute him the head of the great system of idolatry that the apostates inaugurated. The period in which Osiris (the Egyptian term for Nimrod) was in his coffin, was precisely the same as Noah was in the ark — a whole year (Apollodorus, vol. i, pp. 356, 257). Osiris, at the great and solemn festival called "The Disappearance of Osiris," was looked upon as dead and buried when put into his ark or coffin. When he came out again, that new state was regarded as a state of "new life," or "regeneration" (Plutarch's De Iside et Osiride, vol. ii, pp. 356, 367). "Whatever primitive truth the Chaldean (Babylonian) priests held, they utterly perverted and corrupted it. They willingly overlooked the fact, that it was the 'RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH' which Noah 'had before' the flood... that carried him safely through... THEY led their votaries to believe that IF THEY ONLY PASSED THROUGH THE BAPTISMAL WATERS and the penances therewith connected... it would entitle them... to a new birth... The WHOLE SPIRIT OF PAGANISM WAS OPPOSED TO THE SPIRITUALITY of the patriarchal religion and indeed intended to make it void, and DRAW MEN UTTERLY AWAY FROM IT, WHILE PRETENDING TO DO HOMAGE TO IT" (Hislop's The Two Babylons, pp. 137, 141). THE ANCIENTS, KNOWING THE TRUTH CONCERNING BAPTISM, THAT IT SYMBOLIZED A RIGHTEOUS STATE OF MIND, MADE IT A MECHANICAL PROCESS! Here again we see the Devil deceiving mankind. He says to man in effect: "Follow your own ideas and ways, not God's, and you can have your past sins forgiven." God says, "Repent, and be baptized" (Acts 2:38). Turn to the ways God commands! "In vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" (Matt. 15:9). What does this mean? Most churches today have been deceived into employing a counterfeit water baptism. True, some large denominations use the scriptural form — immersion. But a counterfeit looks like the genuine. The deception lies in that which is associated with it — the spirit in which it is done. BAPTISM IS DONE TODAY IN THE SAME SPIRIT IN WHICH IT WAS DONE IN ANCIENT BABYLON — many are baptized BUT their ACTIONS AFTERWARD DO NOT SHOW THEY HAVE figuratively BURIED THE OLD SELF IN BAPTISM. THEY CONTINUE IN THEIR OLD PRACTICES.
Pagan Doctrine of Penance
We have seen that the Devil's deceptive doctrine practiced by many churches to this day is that man does not have to change from his old evil ways and then be baptized to obtain forgiveness of past sins. The question now arises: What sort of perverted doctrine does he have regarding the forgiveness of sins we commit unwillingly after baptism? THE BIBLE TEACHES THAT WE, THROUGH FAITH IN CHRIST'S SHED BLOOD TO CANCEL OUR PAST SINS, MAY USE THIS TO COVER THEM (Rom. 3:25, 28, 31). Now let us note the BONDAGE of the pagan counterfeit of forgiveness which many churches practice today. "In regard to justification, the Chaldean doctrine was that it was by works and merits of men themselves that they must be justified... perfection depended on the exertions of the individual" (Hislop, pp. 144, 145). The doctrine of many churches is the same. From the days of Cain downward, the doctrine of human merit and self-justification has everywhere been indigenous to the heart of depraved humanity. In the Middle Ages, according to legend, Michael the archangel had committed to him the balance of God's justice and that in the opposite pans of the balance the merits and demerits of the deceased are placed (Review of Epistle of Dr. Gentianus Harvet, Book ii, chap. xiv). This same system of human merits for justification is found in paganism over the world. Wilkinson's Egyptians, vol. v, p. 447, shows that in Egypt, the land of Ham, it was to Anubis that the SCALES OF JUSTICE were committed. If a person is found wanting, he is rejected and Osiris (Nimrod) pronounces judgment. The same system is found in Grecian and Chinese mythology. In China, lists and comparative tables of good and bad actions are recorded (Davis' China, vol. ii, chap. "Religion — Buddhism"). "In spiritual despotism in every age, both pagan and Papal... ITS GRAND OBJECT HAS ALWAYS BEEN TO KEEP THE SOULS OF ITS VOTARIES AWAY FROM DIRECT AND IMMEDIATE INTERCOURSE WITH A... MERCIFUL SAVIOR" (Hislop's The Two Babylons, pp. 148-150). Continuing, Hislop quotes from a decree of the Council of Trent: "No man can know with infallible assurance... that he HAS OBTAINED the grace of God." It seeks "to keep its devotees in continual doubt." "In the confessional there was from time to time... a mimic rehearsal of the dread weighing... when they have a man of influence... or wealth... they will not give him the slightest bit of hope till round sums of money... be cast on the scale." Notice how the pagans acquired merits for justification. Hislop continues, "Nimrod was the first after the flood that violated the patriarchal system, and set up (himself) as 'king' over his fellows... In almost every land bloody worship prevailed... human victims... were his most acceptable offerings. In pagan Rome the worshippers of Isis (Semiramis) observed the same practice in honor of Osiris (Nimrod). When it is remembered that Saturn (Nimrod) was cut in pieces, it is easy to see how the idea would arise of offering a welcome sacrifice by setting men to cut one another to pieces (in war)... TO LAY UP A STOCK OF MERIT... in their behalf." In these "latter days" — TODAY — a turning away from true doctrines was foretold (I Tim. 4:1, Heb. 13:8-9). GOD HAS GIVEN MAN A SIMPLE WAY TO HAVE THEIR PAST SINS FORGIVEN, BUT THE COUNTERFEIT SYSTEM ENSLAVES ITS FOLLOWERS IN BONDAGE! MANKIND TODAY STILL FOLLOWS THE OLD BABYLONIAN SYSTEM IN SEEKING TO HAVE THEIR SINS FORGIVEN! IF THEY DO NOT PAY FOR FORGIVENESS, THEY abstain from some things which THEY HAVE DECIDED ARE EVIL: going to shows, dancing, card playing, to mention a few. They hope to BALANCE any evil they might do by abstinence from these. BUT these same people go on divorcing and remarrying, and observing other practices which the Bible clearly condemns. THEY WILL NOT TURN FROM THEIR WAY (REPENT) SO THEY CAN HAVE CHRIST'S BLOOD FORGIVE THEIR SINS — the ONLY WAY by which sins may be forgiven (Acts 2:38)! Romans 5:9 says we are "JUSTIFIED by His BLOOD!" MANKIND CONTINUES TO DESIRE TO LIVE BY PRACTICES WHICH YIELD ONLY UNHAPPINESS, BONDAGE, AND DEATH. "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" (Proverbs 14:12).
Forgiveness By Blood Unnecessary?
No! God says that without the shedding of BLOOD there is NO remission of sin (Heb 9:22). Modernism stands condemned. Where then does today's idea of a UNBLOODY sacrifice originate? Evidence shows that this is of BABYLONIAN origin. NO blood was allowed to be offered on the altars of the Paphian Venus (A Grecian form of Semiramis). These rites came from Cicilia in Asia Minor. (Tacitus' Historia, vol. ii, p. 106). Cicilia, in turn, had acquired the rites from Babylon when Sennacherib, the Assyrian, built Cicilia in express IMITATION OF BABYLON. For this reason, the bloodless altars of the Paphian Venus are the same as the bloodless altars of the Babylonian goddess Semiramis from which she was derived (Bunsen, vol. i, p. 718). This false worship of Semiramis differed from the worship of her husband and son, Tammuz, whom she carried in her arms. He, as we have seen, was represented as delighting in blood. She was the mother of grace and mercy, the celestial "Dove" — the hope of the whole world (Bryant, vol. iii, p. 226). Whereas he desired bloody sacrifices, she desired only an "unbloody sacrifice" — cakes. When her followers were initiated into the higher Mysteries, they could eat of these cakes or wafers. "All this was done," says Hislop, p. 159, "TO EXALT THE MOTHER, AS MORE GRACIOUS AND MORE COMPASSIONATE THAN HER GLORIOUS SON." THEREFORE WE CAN FIND THE WOMEN OF JUDAH "OFFERING CAKES TO THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN" (Jeremiah 44:19). Today, many professing Christians, thinking they worship Christ, actually worship Semiramis through the eating of the cakes or wafers at communion. Semiramis also bore the name of "Mylitta" — that is Mediatrix. But Scripture says THERE IS ONLY ONE MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MAN — CHRIST (I Tim. 2:5). The idea of a Mediatrix as held in some churches today has its origin in paganism, not the Bible! It is CHRIST WHO IS MEDIATOR FOR US — He paid the penalty for our sins by the offering of His blood.
Communion With the Sun-God
Christ said, "I am the bread of life." This statement by Jesus has been twisted to confuse the world for centuries. Some religions today are very intent on the roundness of their unbloody sacrifice — a round cake like that formerly used in the rites of Semiramis, queen of heaven. Why is this roundness so important? Hislop says that the ROUND DISK, so frequently used in the sacred emblems of Egypt, SYMBOLIZED THE SUN. Osiris (Nimrod) the sun-divinity, became incarnate and was reborn (p. 160). Recall that Semiramis in her mysteries represented Nimrod after his death as being reborn — corresponding to the birth of Christ, as a human being, and the resurrection. The round wafer used in communion does not really represent Christ at all. It came from pagan sun-worship. "When OSIRIS, THE SUN-DIVINITY... was born," declared Hislop, pp. 160-163, "it was not merely that he should give his life as a sacrifice for men... but also be the LIFE AND NOURISHMENT OF THE SOULS OF MEN... It is universally admitted that Isis (the Egyptian goddess representing Semiramis) was the original of the Greek and Roman Ceres... she was worshipped as the "mother of corn." The child she brought forth was symbolized by "the corn." Those who were uninitiated into the Mysteries worshipped "Ceres for the gift of material corn to nourish their bodies, but the initiated adored her for a higher gift — FOR FOOD TO NOURISH THEIR SOULS." Here then, long before the apostles' time, was the counterfeit of Christ as bread. He said, "My Father giveth you the true bread from heaven" (John 6:32). CHRIST SAID, "I AM THAT BREAD OF LIFE" (verse 48). "That the initiated pagans actually believed that the 'corn'... was not the 'corn' of this earth, but the 'Divine Son' through whom alone... eternal life could be enjoyed, we have decisive proof... The Druids were devoted worshippers of Ceres... the grain of corn is expressly identified with 'the lovely babe'." "THIS SON WHO WAS SYMBOLIZED AS 'CORN' WAS THE SUN-DIVINITY incarnate according to the sacred oracle of the great goddess of Egypt... 'The fruit which I have brought forth is the Sun'. What is more natural then, if this incarnate divinity is symbolized as the 'bread of God', that he should be represented as a 'round wafer' to identify him with the Sun?" "In Egypt, the disk of the Sun was represented in the temples... In Babylon, the golden image of the Sun was exhibited... in Peru, the disk of the sun was... upon the wall... The Paeonians of Thrace were sun-worshippers. In the worship of Baal, as practiced by the idolatrous Israelites, the worship of the sun's image was equally observed... the image of the sun was erected above the altar... Even in comparatively modern times... among the Cushites of the East,... we find the image of the sun... If the sun-divinity were worshipped in Egypt as 'the seed', or in Babylon as the 'Corn' precisely so is the wafer adored in Rome. 'Bread-corn of the elect, have mercy upon us', is one of the appointed prayers of the Roman Litany, addressed to the wafer." THE SON BECAME THE SUN! Here we see churches of today paying homage to the sun! Now, I ask, is it possible that a world-wide worship of the sun as had persisted from the time of the Flood right up to the time of the Protestant "Reformation" should totally stop with this reformation? WHY DO CHURCHES TODAY HAVE EASTER SUNRISE SERVICES? It is the SAME service the pagan Assyrians used to honor their goddess Ishtar! The pagans' celebration commemorated the birthday of Semiramis who was the mother of the Sun-god Tammuz. They faced the rising sun just as many sincere people do today. Why do today's churches speak of having pagan LENTEN SERVICES? Why do they OBSERVE THE BIRTH OF THE SUN-GOD NIMROD ON DECEMBER 25TH (CHRISTMAS) just when the sun is starting to wax strong again in the sky? And why do they have communion on SUN-DAY (day of the sun)? If they are not still worshipping the Sun-god, then why do they still observe the same customs the pagans used to honor him? THEY ARE WORSHIPPING THE SUN-GOD! PEOPLE TODAY, IN KEEPING THESE CUSTOMS, ARE STILL IN BABYLON AS MUCH AS OUR ANCESTORS. In ignorance people HONOR THE SUN AS THE ONE WHO WILL SPIRITUALLY NOURISH THEM! BUT REMEMBER THE SUN AND SERPENT (THE DEVIL) WERE IDENTIFIED TOGETHER! Sun-worship, then, is devil-worship! GOD SHOWS WHO THE REAL SUN IS THAT WE SHOULD WORSHIP: "UNTO YOU THAT FEAR MY NAME SHALL THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS ARISE" (Mal. 4:2). Who is this? God said, "I will raise... a King... and this is His name... He shall be called The Eternal OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS," (Jer. 23:5-6) says God! But He is not to be worshipped by symbols of the sun — that is IDOLATRY! Satan has a false sun — the sun in the sky! When the pagans accepted Christianity they mingled their pagan sun-worshipping practices with the teachings of Christ. They believed they thus honored the True God. But what does God say about doing this? God said, "How did these (pagan) nations serve their gods?...Thou shalt NOT do so unto the Lord thy God" (Deut. 12:30-31). YOU CANNOT WORSHIP THE TRUE GOD BY CELEBRATING PAGAN CUSTOMS AND HOLIDAYS! The CHURCHES OF TODAY ARE DECEIVED BY THE DEVIL JUST AS THE PEOPLE WERE IN THAT DAY WHEN, AFTER THE MYSTERIES HAD BEEN ESTABLISHED, THE MEANING OF THE DIABOLICAL SYMBOLS WAS NO LONGER EXPLAINED TO THE PEOPLE! PEOPLE TODAY are DECEIVED BY OUTWARD APPEARANCE. They will continue to be, unless they use what the Bible says as their standard with which to judge. Yes, SATAN HAS SUBSTITUTED A FALSE CHRIST AND DIABOLICAL CUSTOMS. THOSE WHO OBSERVE THESE PAGAN CUSTOMS AND REJECT THE TEACHING OF CHRIST SHOW BY THEIR ACTION THAT THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT SALVATION REALLY IS! Satan has substituted a false baptism — a mechanical act which does not signify the burying of the old self. He has perverted the teaching of God that man must repent. HE HAS THUS BLOCKED THE VAST MAJORITY WHO FOLLOW HIS TEACHINGS FROM BECOMING SONS OF GOD NOW, UNLESS THEY CHANGE THEIR WAYS!
World Deception Planned From Time of Flood
The vast majority today believe they are on the right road to salvation. They are honest, sincere people. They do what they think is right. Never has it entered their minds to question that they might be wrong. Just after the flood, Nimrod founded in Babylon, a civilization which ignored the rule of God (Gen. 11:1-9). The gospel of the coming Christ and much of the Bible teachings were counterfeited in such a way as to appeal to its followers but lead them to DESTRUCTION INSTEAD OF SALVATION. From Babylon these deceptive teachings spread throughout the whole world — including the Christian-professing nations! Because of their marked similarity to Christ's teachings, the pagan counterfeits became mingled with His, and have deceived the people to this very day — just as the devil had planned! Millions celebrate — unknowingly — the supposed birth of Nimrod on December 25th and call it the birthday of Christ, the Savior, who was not born in the winter season! At the beginning of spring, men face and bow in the presence of the rising sun on Easter morning — in the same act of worship as that of the pagans who bowed in honor of Ishtar, the Queen of Heaven, the supposed mother of the sun god. And Christians have been led to believe that this abominable kind of heathen worship was ordained by Christ and the apostles! Jesus Christ never commanded us to celebrate His resurrection. He commanded us to commemorate annually, His death — on the eve of the very day on which He gave Himself for the world. Strange as it seems, almost no one obeys the very One whom Christianity acknowledges as its Savior! Now notice the facts of history. They are startling!
Pagan Worship Continues Today
You will recall that in the time of Nimrod, the sun (which was associated symbolically with the Serpent, or Satan) was symbolized on earth by fire. NIMROD, as the SUN-GOD or fire-god in the Mysteries, was worshipped by the sacrifice of HUMAN BEINGS IN FIRE TO HIM. Has this pagan custom persisted in even our "Christian" times? Let us examine. The Feast of the NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN is set down in the Papal calendar for the 24th of June. The very same period was equally memorable in the Babylonian calendar for one of its grand original festivals — to commemorate the death and reviving of Tammuz, or Nimrod (Stanley's Sabean Philosophy, p. 1065). Why is this a "coincidence"? The apostate Church followed the now famous advice of Pope Gregory I, that by all means they should meet the pagans halfway and so bring them into the Church (Bower's Lives of Popes, vol. ii, p. 523). Here is how it happened. About the sixth century A.D., emissaries were sent over Europe, with an eye to gathering the pagans into its fold. Remember, the apostate Church was formed by a union of pagans and professing Christians (Consult Gibbon's The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vol. i, chap. 15). These emissaries or investigators found that the keeping of the 24th of June in honor of Tammuz (Nimrod) was very popular. To gain numbers to the church was the thing! This meant both professing Christians and pagans must be satisfied. The pagans wanted this festival. The Christians would not tolerate a name suggestive of its real meaning. So a Christian name was put on this pagan festival. This is exactly the way our pagan Christmas came into Christianity and why there are so many pagan festivals observed in the churches today. Now what Christian name was attached to June 24th — a pagan festival? As the pagans had already established December 25th as Christ's supposed birthday (actually it was in the autumn), that could not be used. But June 24th — six months earlier — could pass for John the Baptist's birthday! John was born 6 months before Christ. The Feast could be called the nativity of St. John. But where could a connection be found between John and the name of Tammuz? In the Latin language adopted by the Church, John was called Joannes. One of the many sacred names by which Tammuz or Nimrod was called, when he reappeared in the Mysteries after he was slain, was Oannes (Bunsen's Egypt, vol. i, p. 707). How similar is Oannes to Joannes or John! But Oannes was the ancient Fish-god. How did Nimrod acquire this characteristic and name? When Nimrod was overcome by Shem, Semiramis concocted a fable. She said that Nimrod took refuge in the sea. When he therefore "reappeared" he did so in the very character of Oannes, the Fish-god (Hislop p. 114). So the PAGAN "NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN" FESTIVAL, which actually commemorates the death and reviving of pagan Oannes or Tammuz, BEARS A CHRISTIAN NAME! How was this Christian-named festival originally observed? How has it been observed even into our times?
"St. John's Day" in Britain
Before Christianity entered the British Isles, the 24th of June was celebrated by the Druids with blazing midsummer fires in honor of their great divinity who was Baal (another name for Nimrod or Tammuz). It was thus observed to our times! "I have seen the people running and leaping through the St. John fires in Ireland... proud of passing through unsinged... thinking of themselves in a special manner blest by the ceremony" (Toland's Druids, p. 107). It has been a widespread custom. Herodotus, Wilkinson, Layard, and many others record its observance in various countries. The grand distinguishing solemnities of St. John's Eve are the mid-summer fires. These were lighted in France, Switzerland, Ireland, and Scotland (Hislop, p. 114). "When the FIRE had burned for several hours and got very low, everyone PASSED THROUGH IT... here was... worship of Baal, if not Molech (II Kings 23:10) too, by millions professing the Christian name" (Bell's Wayside Pictures, p. 225). SO, WE SEE THE WORSHIP OF THE SUN-GOD OR SERPENT AGAIN IN OUR TIMES, UNDER THE CLOAK OF A CHRISTIAN NAME! Our world is not as far removed from paganism as we think! What does God say about this heathen practice? The people of Old Testament times were practicing this identical rite to honor this same pagan god. "They built the high places of Baal... to cause their sons and their daughters to PASS THROUGH THE FIRE TO MOLECH [Nimrod]: which I commanded them not!" (Jer. 32:35). Again God says, "When ye make your sons to pass through the fire, YE POLLUTE YOURSELVES WITH ALL YOUR IDOLS, even unto this day" (Ezek. 20:31). God COMMANDS that this idolatrous festival NOT be kept! He says it is IDOLATRY! — in honor of an idol god! THE PEOPLE TODAY HAVE OTHER GODS BEFORE THE TRUE GOD. The very first of the Ten Commandments says, "THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME" (Ex. 20:3).
What About Christmas Observance?
The day set apart by Semiramis in memory of the "new birth" of Nimrod, her husband who had been slain by Shem, is familiar to everyone. What day is this? CHRISTMAS! Through her mysteries her dead husband was said to have been miraculously conceived of Semiramis and to have returned in the form of Horus (Semiramis' illegitimate son). It was the BIRTHDAY OF THE UNCONQUERED SUN! (Gieseler's Ecclesiastical History, vol. ii, p. 42). She claimed Shem had not vanquished Nimrod even though he had slain him. In Egypt, the son of Isis (Semiramis), the Babylonian queen of heaven, was supposedly born at the approximate time of the winter solstice (Wilkinson's Egyptians, vol. iv, p. 405). The winter solstice then was December 25th, the place marking the beginning of the days becoming longer and longer. TO PAGAN SUN-WORSHIPPERS IT MEANT THAT THEIR GOD — THE SUN — WAS NOT GOING TO DIE AFTER ALL, BUT WAS BECOMING STRONGER AND STRONGER. The very name "Yule-day" which is used among us today proves its pagan and Babylonian origin (Mallet's Northern Antiquities, vol. i, p. 130). "Yule" was the Chaldee name for "infant" or "little child" long before Christ's time. It did not appear in Christian worship until around 350 A.D.! The Sabeans of Arabia regarded the 24th day of December as the birthday of their pagan "Lord" (Stanley's History of Philosophy, p. 1066, col. 1). The Saxons observed December the 25th. Hislop, p. 96 states: "It was an essential principle of the Babylonian system, that the Sun or Baal was the only God. When, therefore, Tammuz was worshipped as god incarnate," (after he had supposedly taken the human form, as Christ did centuries later) "that implied he was an incarnation of the Sun." Here again, then, we see why observing the BIRTHDAY of Tammuz is Sun-worship! In observing THIS DAY, PEOPLE OF OUR TIME ACTUALLY PAY HOMAGE TO A MORTAL MAN (now dead) AS BEING GOD INCARNATE, WHILE THEY THINK THEY ARE HONORING CHRIST'S BIRTHDAY.