Sabbath, July 7th, Mr. Armstrong flew to Orr, Minnesota to speak to the teenagers attending S.E.P. It was Mr. Armstrong's first visit since 1970, and Mr. Armstrong was amazed at the changes which had taken place at the Orr campus. After the brief tour of the facilities, Mr. Armstrong was warmly greeted by all. Students and adults gave a standing ovation of appreciation as Mr. Armstrong entered the building as well as when he got on stage. All were attentive throughout the sermon, and a tape of Mr. Armstrong's message is being sent out to all the congregations.
Mr. Armstrong has also begun making the WATS line taped messages so that everyone can hear what is going on at headquarters. The first tape, made on board the G-I1 during the return trip from Orr last Saturday, is the first of the once-a-week news tapes he will be doing. The telephone numbers for the tape are the same as before for those outside of California, Alaska and Hawaii (800-423-4444). Those three states should call (213) 577-5225.
Those calling should call during normal business hours and please let the operator know who you are. Some have had deacons or local leading men call in to record the message which is fine. If they would tell the operator who they are or who they are calling for it would be appreciated. Anyone you feel should call in, by all means feel free to let them. The only problem would be if the lines become too busy, in which case those tabulating telephone response will let us know. The code number for the tape messages will remain the same. As Mr. Armstrong finds the time, perhaps the tapes will become bi-weekly. However, with Mr. Armstrong working harder than ever, his schedule may not permit the "two-a-week" series.