The most effective form of advertising is by word of mouth: that personal recommendation. Mr. Herbert Armstrong mentioned recently that he would like to see all of us recommending The Plain Truth to our friends outside the Church: at the same time encouraging them to become regular readers.
I suggest that we ask members to pass along their own copy of The Plain Truth or, better still, try to get hold of any spare copies of the newsstand issue from your local newsstand coordinator. This issue is designed to encourage a subscription. Also we are at present working on some other ideas for members to use to help promote The Plain Truth.
Mr. Armstrong said he didn't want us to go door-to-door like the Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. He just feels that we could be a lot more active in promoting and encouraging readership of the magazine than we have been in recent years. We should, of course, exercise wisdom at all times remembering not to push or force our message onto others.
One final note about Mr. Armstrong's book The Incredible Human Potential. You may remember that we couldn't get distribution through the Christian Booksellers Association. Well, we are very pleased to announce that we did get into some general bookstore chains. They are Dalton Books, Doubleday, and Walden Books. So look out for them in your area. This new distribution does not mean that our own distribution program plans using Plain Truth reps should be cut back. The Plain Truth book distribution program will be our main thrust. We have a target of 30,000 books distributed to the public.