Mail flow is down substantially from last year at this time. The reason, of course, is because of the present crisis in the Work — we are not sending our usual promotional letters to subscribers and contributors. As of February 14, we have received 57,303 letters for the month of February — about 30% below last year.

Our Booklets Have Impact

On the bright side, however, as an example of how the literature we are mailing out is helping others, we've included the following letter from a school teacher who uses our booklets in her classes:

Here I am again with my semi-annual request for a bulk order of The Dilemma of Drugs. At the end of last semester the fifty-two students who completed course evaluations rated the book highest of the many resources we used. Thirty-seven of them rated it "exceptionally helpful" and the rest "very helpful." All students recommended its inclusion again this semester as one of the required readings for the course.

—Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center

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Pastor General's ReportFebruary 20, 1979Vol 3 No. 5