Greetings from the editorial staff of the Worldwide News and the Good News magazine. We are progressing very smoothly with the make-up and production of the first Good News magazine. Our first issue will be printed late December for distribution in January. Thought I would print the following policy statements on circulation for the Good News so that all concerned would be informed on who will be receiving these designated publications.
Thanks again for your support and prayers. Once again I wish to remind any of you that feel you would like to send us a short article or sermonette for the Sharing column or a tape for a sermon summary, we would sincerely welcome it for consideration in a future issue.
GN Circulation Policy
The new Good News magazine will be a two-signature 32-page, four-color magazine published monthly except for combined issues in July-August and September-October.
In the U.S. it will be sent to all member and coworker head of households. The U.S. will absorb the costs of printing for each of the International areas, though they will be expected to cover the cost of shipping. There are no plans at this time to expand the circulation to any others besides members and coworkers or to translate the GN into other languages. In the future these options will be re-evaluated.
WN Circulation Policy
The Worldwide News is sent free of charge to all baptized head of household members. Newly baptized members will be added automatically to our lists. Co-workers and other interested persons who wish to be added to The Worldwide News mailing list may receive the paper upon written request.