Brian Knowles  

My family and I had a very interesting and profitable feast in Great Britain. We were treated with great hospitality over there and especially enjoyed renewing some old acquaintances at both feast sites where we attended. As always we discussed the PT and the other Church literature at length with several individuals. Plans are underway to dramatically increase the circulation of the PT in Britain once again. Frank Brown has some exciting plans for the development of the Work in Britain as well as Black Africa.

We are presently working hard to produce the kind of PT Mr. Armstrong wants. I have been given a lengthy set of guidelines as well as other oral instruction from Mr. Armstrong directly. In some cases the latter have been passed on to me by Mr. Rader.

The December issue will be the last of the "old" style PTs. Beginning with January, and especially with the 45th anniversary issue in February, you'll see a different kind of PT. The look will be more conservative, dignified and will contain articles of a more biblical orientation. Mr. Armstrong himself will have four articles in the January issue. He is working very hard on the writing aspects of his ministry as I'm sure you recognize by now. Mr. Armstrong is also at work with a number of other writing projects and I'm sure you'll be hearing about those in the pages of this Pastor's Report as they develop.

We, like Mr. Armstrong, sincerely wish to make the PT "the best magazine on earth." We are working toward that end. The whole staff realizes the need to have the PT reflect the thinking of Mr. Armstrong as accurately as possible. We are endeavoring to bring that about. We would all appreciate your suggestions, support and especially your prayers in accomplishing this. Here is a list of contents for the January PT as it presently stands:

Personal from Mr. Armstrong: Your Human Potential Is Incredibly
Greater Than You Have Realized

This Is the Worldwide Church of God, Part II
by Mr. Armstrong

Supernatural Fources on a Collision Course — What Now?
by Hr. Armstrong


The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Part III
by Mr. Armstrong

What Is the Devil's Religion?
by David Jon Hill

The Crisis at the Close
by John R. Schroeder

Step by Step
by Stanley Rader

The World Tomorrow — What Will It Be Like?
by Roderick C. Meredith

Is This the Only Day of Salvation?
by C. Paul Meredith

Brian Knowles, Editorial Services

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Pastor General's ReportNovember 08, 1978Vol 2 No. 41