Recent Developments In Editorial ServicesRecent Developments In Editorial Services
Brian Knowles  

Hello again from hot ol' Pasadena. You'd think after 10 years in this country I'd have gotten used to the heat, but I'm still complaining about it.

Received a call from Mr. Herbert Armstrong Sunday morning during which he instructed me to rerun the series on healing in the GOOD NEWS. There will be four articles in all. The third is written and ready to go. Mr. Armstrong is planning on completing the fourth on his trip (which is coming up in a week) or shortly thereafter, Once the healing series has been run in four consecutive issues of the GN, I have been instructed to print it as a booklet.

We're currently working on the September number of the PT, Mr. Armstrong's series will continue — the second installment is tentatively entitled, "Why Humans Were Put Here on the Earth." I'll be getting that copy to him before his trip for final editing and approval. We have a blockbuster of an article on Cambodia coming up in that issue also. The tragedy of Cambodia rivals that of the holocaust of the Jews during World War II. It's a frightening tale that needs to be told — it seems that hideous violence of every kind is increasing in our world and so many politicians are fiddling while the world burns. Plans also call for an update on the pygmy situation including an exclusive interview with Jean Pierre Hallet (which will be run first in the GOOD NEWS).

We have finally completed the budget for the fiscal year coming in at approximately the same figure as last year in most areas. As you may or may not know, the Editorial Services Department now includes: PT Editorial; the News Bureau; PT booklets; the Good News Editorial Dept.; Correspondence Course Editorial Dept.; graphics; photo files; and Photo Services.

That's it for this time.

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Pastor General's ReportJune 19, 1978Vol 2 No. 2