Know The Answer?
Who am I: I'm really into bushcraft and the outdoor life. I love beans! Red is my colour key. I lost my inheritance through a bad business deal.

Genesis 25:27-34
About That PT CoverAbout That PT Cover
Brian Knowles  

I got back from New York the other night, tired, jet-lagged and bone weary only to find that I had been receiving phone calls about the cover of the April PT. I had not yet seen a printed edition myself. Apparently advance copies had been widely circulated here in Pasadena. The cover picture, basically a head and shoulders shot of a couple embracing, was to illustrate Bob Ginskey's article entitled "Who Invented Sex?" which is actually an anti-evolution piece. Some were apparently "very angry" about the cover, apprehensive about the reaction of the more conservative element on our mailing list.

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Pastor General's ReportMarch 27, 1978Vol 2 No. 10