Year-End Mail SummaryYear-End Mail Summary

Mail Processing ended 1977 with a total of 1.86 million letters and 418,000 telephone responses. A breakdown of the MAIL shows that about 280,000 were media activity responses (TV, radio, newsstand, Plain Truth, coupons, etc.). The largest single category, 818,000, resulted from the Subscriber Development programs with the remaining 710,000 coming from all other sources including member and co-worker responses. The breakdown of the TELEPHONE CALLS is as follows: TV - 233,000 or 56%; Modern Romans commercials - 40,500 or 10%; NFL Game of the Week spots - 29,800 or 7%; Radio - 81,800 or 19.5%; Plain Truth - 1,900 or .5%; Visit requests - 5,000 or 1%; Other - 26,500 or 6% of the total calls.

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Pastor General's ReportJanuary 30, 1978Vol 2 No. 2