Know The Answer?
What was Peter's response to the question on Pentecost, "What shall I do?"
Repent and be baptized.

Acts 2:38

What Must I Do To Be Saved
The Bible Advocate
September 18, 1928
Volume: Vol LXII No. 37
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What Must I Do To Be Saved
W J Davis  

If the "once in grace always in grace" theory is true, why so many warnings in the Word of God lest we fall away etc. As to the theory of foreordination, predestination, election, etc., I know there is a scriptural election, predestination and foreordination in the divine economy of God, that a certain class compose the bride class, "Heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ to the kingdom." But as to an arbitrary election, foreordination and predestination of a few only, and all others passed by and non-elect, with no chance of eternal life, is unscriptural, unreasonable, and makes God a "respector of persons," contradicting the Word of God, wherein it says, "of a truth I perceive that God is no respector of persons."

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The Bible AdvocateSeptember 18, 1928Vol LXII No. 37