Do you trust men more than you trust God? You will answer, quickly, "NO!" But are you quite sure? Suppose you are flat "broke," and without a single morsel of food in the house for your hungry children for breakfast next morning, and no visible possibility or hope of obtaining any. Would you sleep better in this situation if you should receive a cashier's check for five dollars, on the strongest bank in your city or county, — what if you had absolutely NOTHING to put under your pillow but the BIBLE, which contains this promise: "My God shall supply all your need, according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus?" (Phil. 4:19). The cashier's check is THE WORD OF MAN. The Bible is THE WORD OF GOD. In either case, you have merely a WRITTEN PROMISE — one, from MAN, the other, from God. In this condition, would you not sleep a little more comfortably with MAN'S promise under your pillow, than with GOD'S? Take another case: Suppose your little child is suddenly stricken with a strange new sickness that strikes terror into your heart. In WHOM will you place your trust and faith, MAN, by calling a doctor, or GOD, by obeying this instruction to the New Testament Church: "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and THE LORD SHALL RAISE HIM UP." (Jas. 5:14, 15). Do you TRUST GOD fully, to DO what He has promised in His Word? Do you BELIEVE His Word? Or do you say, "Well, I think it's all right to call the doctor, and to pray to God, too." God's Word nowhere says call the doctor, but rather condemns it. (II King 1:1-4, 17; II Chron. 16:12, 13; Mark 5:26, 34). Do you not trust men more than you trust God? How are we saved? "By grace are ye saved, THROUGH FAITH." Faith is BELIEVING GOD. You do not BELIEVE God — TRUST God — have FAITH in God — unless you BELIEVE WHAT GOD SAYS. And all that you or I know of what God SAYS is His WORD — the Holy Bible! If that is God's Word, and you do not BELIEVE IT, you do not believe God, you do not TRUST God, and surely you lack the FAITH that will save you. If God SAID IT, and cannot, or will not DO it, then we make Him out a liar! FAITH is simply BELIEVING God's Word, and TRUSTING Him to DO that which He has PROMISED. Without FAITH it is impossible to please Him, and whatsoever is not of FAITH is of SIN, because it implies God lied! True, lack of trusting God to supply food, clothing, physical healing, etc., is merely doubting in MATERIAL, PHYSICAL, EARTHLY things, whereas faith for salvation means trusting Him for HEAVENLY things. But Jesus says plainly: "If I have told you EARTHLY things, and ye believe not. HOW SHALL YE BELIEVE, if I tell you of HEAVENLY THINGS?" (John 3:12). Some, we realize full well, have never realized the truth of God's Word about physical healing. This is not intended as a reflection against such. But if you will write the editor, he will gladly point out to you, in a letter, what God's Word says on this point.
There has been no issue of the PLAIN TRUTH since the August number. Pressure of evangelistic campaigns and other work has made it impossible to publish this issue sooner. The editor had been conducting, including the RADIO CHURCH, nine services weekly, preaching NINE SERMONS each week. We have been called to pray for many who were sick, often several miles from Eugene. We hope to lighten the evangelistic work somewhat, and, beginning with the February number, the next to be published, to once more issue The PLAIN TRUTH monthly. We ask every reader to STAND WITH US IN PRAYER, and also in tithes and offerings, that this program of Bible evangelism may go forward with multiplied POWER during 1935. We hope to be on the air in PORTLAND, and also perhaps in Salem, for the coming year. An average of five thousand people now listen each Sunday over the air. Beginning in 1935, if you are WITH US, FIFTY THOUSAND or more will hear the plain truth of God's Word each Sunday! And if the small percentage of truth-lovers is thus increased, it may be possible to include other still larger stations in larger cities before the year is out. The family of PLAIN TRUTH readers will increase from around 2,000, as at present, to MANY thousands! There is NO LIMIT to the POWER of the radio and the printing press! The last warning message must now go with POWER! It is not a popular Gospel! It does not cause golden offerings to pour in. The FEW who love God and TRUST HIM must support it! Several have been brought to Christ, and baptized — there have been actual conversions over the radio. Several have been healed — two of cancer, one in its very last stages! What will be the harvest with the MULTIPLIED audience?