Know The Answer?
What was the occupation of Amos the prophet?
Farmer, sheep and figs.

Amos 7:14

The Coming World – Explosion in Palestine!
Plain Truth Magazine
March-April 1946
Volume: Vol XI, No.1
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The Coming World – Explosion in Palestine!

LOCKED up in the Holy Land and Middle - East is the possible answer to the world's number one question: "Will there be a World - War III?" Here's a startling revelation of the true significance of the localized Jewish - Arab strife; and also the sputtering all over UNO Conferences of this explosive issue. At the San Francisco conference Mr. Armstrong privately interviewed top diplomats in charge of Palestine relations for Arabian and British governments, beside members of the Jewish world - press. He learned the viewpoints of each. Here, too, is revealed the best - kept military secret of the war!

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Plain Truth MagazineMarch-April 1946Vol XI, No.1