Know The Answer?
Who was worried and bothered about many things?

Luke 10:40

The Pope's Secret Plans for Peace
Plain Truth Magazine
August 1952
Volume: Vol XVII, No.2
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The Pope's Secret Plans for Peace

Here is Mr. Hoeh's first report, direct from London, unveiling a startling, hitherto – unknown SECRET Plan for gaining world control and rule. Silently, from within Vatican walls, plans are being executed to enforce "peace" upon a war - weary world. Here are the plain facts, carefully documented, published for the first time. Read the shocking revelation of America's destiny in this gigantic "peace offensive"! Here in London, I have been led, as if by a mysterious unseen hand, into the discovery of an amazing plot for world domination. It is a gigantic movement, already in action, that will inevitably affect your personal future, and that of America and the whole world!

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Plain Truth MagazineAugust 1952Vol XVII, No.2