Know The Answer?
To whom did the people of Israel say, "Come make us a god who will go before us?"

Exodus 32:1

Prophesied to Happen to the United States - Installment 2
Plain Truth Magazine
February-March 1954
Volume: Vol XIX, No.2
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Prophesied to Happen to the United States - Installment 2

Here is the most astounding prophecy for our time. WHY have our American and British nations not been warned of this before? This is the second installment of Mr. Armstrong's forthcoming book - the most startling and eye-opening book, we believe, of this generation. SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS INSTALLMENT: It's time the great American and British nations knew the staggering turn of world events prophesied for us. 90% of all prophecy is concerned with it - and a third of the Bible is prophecy! WHERE do we find the United States, Britain, and the democracies of northwestern Europe, mentioned in Bible prophecy? We are the wealthiest, most powerful nations - the professing Christian nations.

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary-March 1954Vol XIX, No.2