Know The Answer?
Who led the Israelites when they captured Jericho?

Joshua 6:2-6

WE SAW PROPHECY being fulfilled in Europe!
Plain Truth Magazine
November-December 1954
Volume: Vol XIX, No.9
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WE SAW PROPHECY being fulfilled in Europe!

[By Herbert W Armstrong with Richard D Armstrong and Roderick Carl Meredith] Here is Mr. Armstrong's first report to the nation of the astounding fulfillment of prophecy he saw on his tour of Europe this summer - along with Rod Meredith, Dick Armstrong, and Mrs. Armstrong - as broadcast coast to coast over the ABC Radio Network and other powerful stations. Here we continue "Prophesied to Happen." I have just returned from Europe. I have seen prophecy in rapid, moving, but totally unrealized fulfillment! The identical events prophesied are happening in Europe. The stage is being set - much faster than America realizes - for catastrophic events that will bring about the END of the WORLD!

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Plain Truth MagazineNovember-December 1954Vol XIX, No.9