The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff
Question: What Does "Not Under the Law, But Under Grace" Mean? Answer: Does grace do away with the law? If you keep the law, have you "fallen" from grace? Most people are confused by the ministers who claim to expound the words of God. You hear one group quote one set of scriptures telling of the law, and another group quoting verses mentioning grace. The common assumption is that one set of scriptures contradicts another. What folly! All scripture is given by inspiration of God. Let's understand what "grace" means. Webster defines it as mercy, favor, unmerited kindness, an exemption or pardon as from a penalty. It is by grace, the undeserved pardon of God, that you are delivered from the penalty of sin. (Romans 6:23.) Christ paid the penalty in your stead.
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