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Name the woman who was a judge of Israel?

Judges 4:4

PALESTINE Sputters all over United Nations!
Plain Truth Magazine
November-December 1955
Volume: Vol XX, No.9
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PALESTINE Sputters all over United Nations!

The focal point of eruptions breaking out all over the world has suddenly become Palestine! This ancient holy land may hold the answer to world PEACE - or WORLD WAR III. It all started from a jealousy of two women over one man. Here's what's back of the whole explosive situation - the plain truth, dripping with mystery, suspense. Today the Middle-East is the very center of the chessboard of international POWER POLITICS. There is plenty going on under cover of secret diplomacy among the world's big powers which would astound the public, if it were revealed!

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Plain Truth MagazineNovember-December 1955Vol XX, No.9