Know The Answer?
Which chapter in Leviticus describes Israel's Feast of Booths?
Leviticus 23

Leviticus 23:33

Why We're Unable to Answer All Your Letters
Plain Truth Magazine
May 1956
Volume: Vol XXI, No.5
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Why We're Unable to Answer All Your Letters

Here is a frank explanation, giving you the reasons why we've been unable - despite earnest efforts - to answer personally each of your encouraging letters. This is a world-wide work, extending over five continents to a vast audience of more than 10 million radio listeners each week! In the United States alone, more people hear Mr. Armstrong's voice each week through the modern miracle of radio than were able to hear the apostle Paul in twenty years! Through the facilities of the printing press, hundreds of thousands each month read the PLAIN TRUTH magazine and thousands of booklets mailed from our offices.

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Plain Truth MagazineMay 1956Vol XXI, No.5