Know The Answer?
Who blessed Ephraim and Manasseh?
Israel (Jacob).

Genesis 48:14

Plain Truth Magazine
May 1956
Volume: Vol XXI, No.5
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Here is the CAUSE behind one of America's worst problems - teen-age crime! Why are increasing numbers of juveniles brought before courts for burglary, auto theft, murder, rape and unprovoked, vicious attacks? America stands alone as the leading nation in teen-age crime! News magazines and newspapers across the nation and throughout the world tell of horrifying atrocities committed by MERE CHILDREN - some of them 15 years of age and younger! Civil authorities are frankly worried. President Eisenhower, in his message on the State of the Union, January 6, 1955, said: "To help the States do a better job, we must strengthen their resources for preventing and dealing with juvenile delinquency.

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Plain Truth MagazineMay 1956Vol XXI, No.5