Know The Answer?
How many baskets of bread crumbs were there after the feeding of the 5,000?

John 6:13

The POWER of Prayer
Plain Truth Magazine
July 1956
Volume: Vol XXI, No.7
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The POWER of Prayer

Why aren't your prayers ANSWERED? Do you know HOW to pray? Here are facts you need to understand! She didn't want to die! She had hoped the doctors could help - but they only shook their heads sadly and stared at the floor. They could give her a few more months perhaps but that was all. Why would God let her die like this? WHY? Oh, of course since she was a "Christian," she trusted in God for - WHAT! Yes, what? A sentimental feeling? Did she really expect God to supernaturally intervene and do anything? No. AND NEITHER DO MOST OF YOU!

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Plain Truth MagazineJuly 1956Vol XXI, No.7