The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff
Question: Is Money the Root of Evil? Answer: This question has been asked frequently since many heard Mr. Armstrong say that "money is not THE root of all evil." Some have very quickly turned to I Timothy 6:10 and, by careless reading, assumed something this text does not say at all. If you will turn to this Scripture in your Bible and carefully study it, you will see where the error is made. To start with, notice that the text reads "For the love of money is the root of all evil..." It says the "LOVE of money," not merely money, but the "love of money," is the root of all evil. From this you can see that a person with no money could still commit this evil. The poor and the rich alike can LOVE money. Money by itself is not sin. It is the misuse of money that is sin. Money can be used for good as well as evil.
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