Know The Answer?
What happened to Lazarus before Jesus arrived at his home?
He died.

John 11:14

America's Unseen DANGER!
Plain Truth Magazine
October 1957
Volume: Vol XXII, No.10
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America's Unseen DANGER!

South America is changing! Our nation is asleep to a vast, hidden enemy that may mean our ultimate destruction! Here is a first-hand report from behind the scenes, showing what is destined to happen in South America. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina: Fantastic, breath-taking times are just ahead! Never before has there been a time like this in the history of the world - a time of world FEAR, with nations possessing weapons capable of erasing humanity from the earth! In former articles in the Plain Truth magazine, we have shown you what the Almighty God says is SURE to happen to OUR NATION within the next few years. We have made those articles specific definite, actually NAMING the nations which will be involved, and showing from the scriptures what your Creator says will happen. Here is another specific occurrence that you are going to SEE happen!

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Plain Truth MagazineOctober 1957Vol XXII, No.10