Know The Answer?
On how many tablets of stone were the ten commandments written?

Deuteronomy 4:13

The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 3
Plain Truth Magazine
January 1958
Volume: Vol XXIII, No.1
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The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 3

This is the third installment of the unusual story of Mr. Armstrong's life - the formative years and experiences, the groundwork for his later ministry, his conversion, and the intriguing search for the one TRUE Church. SHOULD the story of my life be published? Would this be right? For years I felt it would not. I said, "God has called me to preach His Gospel, not to talk about myself." I even refused, for several years, to let anyone take my picture. Finally a radio listener changed my mind. He wrote that he had a right to know what the minister he listened to looked like, and something about the man. "When you attend church or an evangelistic meeting," he said, "what would you think of the minister if he hid behind the pulpit and let you hear his voice only? Wouldn't you be suspicious he had something to hide? Wouldn't you distrust such a man?

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Plain Truth MagazineJanuary 1958Vol XXIII, No.1