Know The Answer?
How did the king punish Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego for not worshipping his idol?
He threw them into the fiery furnance.

Daniel 3:15

Does EASTER Commemorate the Resurrection?
Plain Truth Magazine
April 1958
Volume: Vol XXIII, No.4
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Does EASTER Commemorate the Resurrection?

Christ did not rise on Easter Sunday! Here is an article explaining what Christ did command His Church to observe! Have you ever stopped to consider why you believe the things you believe? Where did you learn the custom of observing Easter? "I learned it from childhood," you reply. Of course you learned it from childhood! But where did the custom really originate? You have supposed it was part of the true Christian religion to observe Easter, "Good Friday," Lent and "Holy Week"; to have colored Easter eggs, to dress up and go to Church Easter Sunday. Yes, you have supposed the Bible taught these customs. But where did God ever command you to keep any of them?

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Plain Truth MagazineApril 1958Vol XXIII, No.4