Know The Answer?
When Paul was a prisoner on board a ship to Rome, how many people died in the subsequent shipwreck?

Acts 27:42-44

The GREAT Commandment
Plain Truth Magazine
February 1960
Volume: Vol XXV, No.2
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The GREAT Commandment

How can real HAPPINESS and PEACE be attained? The true ANSWER is found in this article! It is the beginning of a series of articles which thousands of you have requested - a series expounding in detail the Ten Commandments of Almighty God. THIS is a LAWLESS age. Crime and violence are increasing at a fearful rate because among millions of people there is practically no respect for law or constituted authority - either that of God, or of man! On the international scene, nations live in daily fear because they very well know that the so-called "guarantees" and treaties of peace are not worth the paper on which they are written. There is NO LAW - respect for no authority - among the nations of the world. This is the world in which YOU live!

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary 1960Vol XXV, No.2