Know The Answer?
Which prophet said, "The heart is more deceitful than all else?"

Jeremiah 17:9

HOW The Plain Truth is different!
Plain Truth Magazine
May 1961
Volume: Vol XXVI, No.5
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HOW The Plain Truth is different!

We say there is no magazine like The PLAIN TRUTH. We mean that literally. Yet most readers probably never grasped the real basic difference. Here it is. Do you realize that the large mass circulation, highly reputable big prestige magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post, LIFE, The Ladies Home Journal, LOOK, and Others, would refuse to accept for publication the type of articles you are privileged to read in The Plain Truth? Do you know why? Our type of material is contrary to "their policies." Yes, but do you know WHY?

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Plain Truth MagazineMay 1961Vol XXVI, No.5