Know The Answer?
What am I: I am a city of 120,000 people. It takes three days to walk around me. We were warned of destruction by someone who had been in the belly of a fish.


Heart to Heart Talk With the Editor
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1961
Volume: Vol XXVI, No.6
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Heart to Heart Talk With the Editor

WITH this number, The Plain Truth is again increased in size, with eight more pages than formerly. With this inauguration of a full 40-page magazine, I want to reinstate the Heart-to-Heart talks - if I can keep up with it. With the Start of this enlarged Plain Truth I want to take you behind the scenes, as it were. I want you to see how this magazine is written and produced. I want you to understand WHY it is so different from any other periodical on earth. As well as I can, in this little personal chat with you, I want to introduce you to our editors and staff members - to take you right with me into the various editorial, research and production offices. Then we will go over to the huge priming plant, and finally into our modern new Ambassador College Press building.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1961Vol XXVI, No.6